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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Always nice to see some in the field
  2. Just to see it happen or can you intervene?
  3. Stabs


    Great news about the aquittal but an absolute tragedy about the dogs. Let's hope someone is help accountable for those dogs being destroyed
  4. Found this article when I was going through some old stuff.... As I was going through some boxes of my belongings the other afternoon, I came across a clay Victorian marmalade jar full of bits of broken pipe. At first I wondered what the hell these bits of clay were but then I remembered an afternoon out with the dogs years ago. This particular farm was on a long, gentle hill that had a wood at the top of the rise and corn and fruit on its slopes. It wasn’t a particularly big farm but it had a good head of game and also its fair share of vermin. Summer was a very busy time over
  5. String? Since when has string been a food? Interesting that raw fish is on there. I feed raw fish a fair bit.
  6. footpaths criss-crossed my old permission and it never stopped me. Most of the people I met were very friendly and interested in what I was doing. I did get a couple of poofters that tried to cause me bother but on the whole the public were great
  7. GS160 Mk1 A beautiful machine Had a Rally 200 I bought from Stoke Newington for £500 and I restored that to an Eddie Grimstead job....I know, it's not an SS180 Bought a Kegra P5 on my 17th birthday and I've still got it now. My pride and joy. Had various Lambrettas over the years but I'm a Vespa man at heart. Having said that I'd love a nice TV Series 2 one day
  8. Don't Clulite give out soldering irons with their lamps anymore?
  9. I agree with Dev. Had some great days bushing and ratting and the best bushing dog and ratting dog I've ever seen were a spaniel and a whippet respectively, although Downsouth's Meg is a phenomenal bushing terrier.
  10. I love offal but if you want to buy it where I am you have to go and get it from the dog food section of the supermarket Beef cheeks, hearts, trotters, tripe, liver.....a taste of heaven
  11. Cheers Leeview....thought so given the area and the mention of the boots. If anyone can lay their hands on this book it's well worth a read. Fascinating stuff on whippets, staffords, deehounds, sealyhams and all manner of gun dogs
  12. That was the one question that sprang to my mind when reading it too..... The apostrophe before 'coy' implies it's a shortening of a word....Wentworth Day mentions the Fen Tigers fowling boots so maybe "Decoy" dogs? The only other thing I can think of is Diddicoy which would fit also in the same context as lurchers
  13. I've just been re-reading an old book as I was looking for some Dachshund stuff for Leveller, and I ended up becoming engrossed in the history of the Greyhound. Thought some of you might appreciate this small excerpt regarding Lord Orford. Lord Orford took a lot of trouble over the breeding of his greyhounds. He tried every sort of cross, including the Italian Greyhound and English Lurchers – the latter of the same type as you still find in use as “warren†dogs on the big heaths around Thetford. He even tried a bulldog cross. Finally, after seven generations of breeding, he got wh
  14. It is an excellent article and I for one am pleased it won. Did the pics come out well in the mag?
  15. Stabs


    Just sat here having a few beers watching Holyfield vs Mercer. I know there's a few boxing fans on here and I'd love to hear how you rate the Real Deal?
  16. Cheeky buggers She's an absolute picture, absolutely gorgeous like her mam. Simo...her name is Molly and she was 7lb 8oz...so she is a fat b*****d like her dad And before anyone asks....no, she's not ginger
  17. Thanks people....Mam and bairn doing great. Just off up the hospital to see them both. Thankfully the little lass looks likes her mam
  18. A young KC dog that I used to own many years ago.
  19. Stabs


    Just email the mag and ask for a copy
  20. Jasp, the original of Rita and the Tiaras is worth a small fortune. Even the 79 reissue is going for good money.
  21. As a youngster, I had the great honour and shame to actually win one of those dance-offs .....f**k.....I'd forgot about that..... I'm crying just thinking about it I found my handmade hipsters the other day.....I don't think I could get one leg in them now nevermind two
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