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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Convict? Charges dropped I think you'll find. Which is shame as I went out and got the Aryan Brotherhood tattos and everything

  2. Stabs


    I don't think he's from your hometown HH, those things default to where you are viewing it from
  3. Smart looking bitch that Donnie
  4. Excellent thread on EBT crosses on Ozziedoggers here http://www.ozziedoggers.org/forum/index.ph...mp;#entry132173
  5. Sounds like a very hand bitch you've got there Martin.
  6. He's a very dangerous man. He can often be found in his mates "loveshack" making movies

  7. You are awful......but I like you

  8. EDRD might not be around forever though....then what?
  9. I hate to burst your bubble but Kevin Rudd never said that Rudd is about as likely to say that as Blair is. That email has been doing the round for years and it was originally attributed to John Howard, who is far more likely to have actually said it. Rudd is a limp wristed pinko
  10. Stabs


    He asked to be deleted
  11. Ted Lyon started breeding "staffs" back into the EBT in 1907 as he felt as field dogs they were too "soft" and hence the coloured Bull Terrier was born
  12. Bowls from the pavilion end

  13. Stabs


    Good on ya mate....I've always loved running but I've had a few breaks to concentrate on my heavy drinking and smoking as I found jogging got in the way of them and I'd let them slide a bit. Did my first marathon last March, got another one this March and another in July.
  14. I remember DBP mentioning in the CMW many years ago that had half a mind on recreating the extinct English White Terrier..... Call it one of them and charge double!
  15. Had bulls with good noses and had ones with bad noses. Had a bull type bitch with 1/4 terrier in her and her nose wasn't the best. Her pure bull hunting companion was by far the better scenter.
  16. Apologies for any insult you may have taken from this Johnny, but I moved this thread. No malice intended in my actions either. Simply as case of me moving a thread to a section that better suited it in my opinion. It was either Classifieds or the Review section. I spend a lot of my time moving threads, specifically dogs wanted or dogs for sale/stud and it’s done with a desire to keep the sections for what they should be for. Yours was moved because as I read it, it seemed like a cross between an advert and a limited review, with a lot of lads asking where they could get it. As I said, there
  17. Stiffy is right. My old man was a sapper and had a great time. He developed a keen hatred for KOSB in Germany and went to jail twice Chatham slappers are the future
  18. Without digging all of mine out, didn't The Working Terrier first copy have a drawing on the front?
  19. I can't be that sad if you've got a pic of me as your avatar That is Richard Stilgoe isn't it?
  20. I've been sat here going through my bookcase and I can't find the Lucy one....I'm sure I've got it somewhere too.
  21. I'm sure she was a collie cross from beer tent conversations with Phil.....I have been known to be wrong on occasion though
  22. No...not got the tickets from then but got plenty of tickets from later So which was the one with Phil's collie/deerhound mix on the front? Was that Lucy?
  23. Broke that one when he was about 3 I suppose. I think he was scared of them more than anything The bitch I had couldn't be trusted though. She was fine when you were there but she'd always check to see if you were looking
  24. Aye, I've got them sat here in the green faux-leather binder they came in too. As you say a very good read and Lloydy wrote some blinders for that mag. I seem to remember a three-parter on beardie lurchers? There were some big names writing back then
  25. I've got a signed one sat here...very good little publication. Anyone remember The Running Dog Year Book?
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