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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Visited J7 years ago and he had some impressive gear if you're that way inclined.
  2. Had the same thing with my wheaten greyhound bitch. Can she see into the house? They are very person orientated dog and I found a blind of a fence panel helps immensely. An anti-barking collar just persuaded my bitch to whine rather than bark.
  3. Steve...I've hunted all over Britain and I have NEVER seen any lantana Everyone I talk to blames us but it's not one of ours A better "cattle dog" than the Cattle Dog
  4. There's one on a farm that we shoot on and he's quite simply a machine. Slighter than a cattle dog but tough as old boots and smart with it. I've got some pics of him that I'll throw on when I get home. He works with a pure heeler and he's the top dog by far. He's a b*****d of a guard dog too but thankfully he took a shine to me.
  5. Good on you Sandy. I did a marathon with the old bitch I have last year and I did another with her 18 month old son a week or so ago. They get a 6km run every morning before work and two half marathons every weekend. Just running the son now though as the old bitch is confined to barracks until her broken shoulder and leg mends. The stamina of the young dog is very good considering the amount of greyhound in him.
  6. Loving your work Maltenby
  7. That Black Farmer geezer is a real Mandingo,... Remember the year when a group of Moochers all met up in the beer tent,..it was a good crack,.. Where did it all go wrong.... All the best,.CHALKWARREN... That was an afternoon Phil. I had that young Wheaten cross with me ......the last one afternoon young Match had out of captivity for some time actually It was the Stella Artois that I blame
  8. Was the Black Farmer there again? Bugger nearly killed me one year
  9. He's never been the same since Trevor decided to go solo


  10. Shit...how can you pick individual songs??? The whole of Nashville Skyline is a work of art painted with a broad brush but with the finished product of the finest artist. Recorded in seconds and will live forever. John Wesley Harding, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde on Blonde...love them all
  11. He feeds beefburgers to swans

  12. PM sent mate Sounds like you are doing well where you are now mate. You must be getting out more than you were in Nevada?
  13. The dam to that dog was born and bred not far from Johnnies mate
  14. Bit less than 3/4 grey, the rest is beardie
  15. That's not all he can do You should see him out the back of here mate
  16. Yeah that bitch was the only smooth coat in the litter and if I'm honest, she was the pick of the litter. Very independent bitch. She made 25" and that dickhead of mine is just a gnat's cock off 27" He made 70+lb though so he's a big lad alright. Good feet and fearless with it so he's doing ok.
  17. No Dodger, that one I showed you was his sister
  18. He's off work on the sick at the moment so he's nice and clean
  19. Lukewarm...I tip my hat to you sir. Don't let Darcy borrow that book. You know how excited he gets with "toilet" humour

  20. DH can only put what he receives in there Birdy, so if lads were more forthcoming with the lurcher articles then there'd be no bother. There's plenty of lads on here that make some good posts. Be nice to translate some of them into something slightly longer and see them as articles in the mag.
  21. Keeps white Alsatians....fact

  22. Selwyn...you left your library book round here t'other night


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