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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Couple of pics from when we were last over there
  2. Usually a couple of pages of classifieds at the back. Cheques made payable to Fieldfare
  3. Stabs


    Anyway....back to the topic at hand...... June is a good edition Cracking pictures on the back cover too...
  4. Duncan Norvelle's stunt double

  5. Stabs


    First time I ever met him was in the beer tent at the Waterloo...he was in there with his old man (top lad)...and I heard this "Stabs?" I was in there with Cupid, who doesn't touch a drop, and we spent the rest of the meet with him and his dad....happy days Love him to bits....he said he had this dog that always ran back to him like in Snatch...he asked if I knew any cockneys that would be daft enough to buy it
  6. Stabs


    I had a bad head and I don't know where Cupid had gone...but I was wandering around towards the show rings and here he is...supping his bright blue and gold can Mind you, we'd been on this "vodka" of mine the night before so he must have nursed that can for hours
  7. Excellent! Put me down for a free copy Bosun...very interesting post that. I know from speaking to the old boys in my family a "lurcher" back in the day was certainly nowt to do with collies. Must have been a parochial thing I guess as certain areas would have their "types." I can't remember what book I was reading, but it was a talking of a fen area lurcher as being a retriever/grey cross. I guess it's the thing with parochial strains being homogenised to the point where you have people telling you that such and such a cross is not a lurcher. If it does the job of a lurcher, it's
  8. How's that black dog of your coming on muscles?
  9. If you can do a bit with 'em, it'll make all the difference to both when the season kicks in. Bosun...my season started about two months ago. We are out every day without fail as I live on my permission Aye Stabs, I know how your seasons work down there... Live the dream, your a fortunate man! That line was for those over here Sorry mate...my misunderstanding. As a little aside, sometimes the jogging and hunting spill into each other
  10. If you can do a bit with 'em, it'll make all the difference to both when the season kicks in. Bosun...my season started about two months ago. We are out every day without fail as I live on my permission
  11. I'm a jogger so my dogs hit the tracks with me and we do a few miles. That combined with good grub, good rest and a daily check over seem to do them ok.
  12. Assuming the bull cross is 3/8 bull 5/8 grey and the saluki cross is 5/8 grey 3/8 saluki then pups are: 19/32 grey 6/32 saluki 4/32 collie 3/32 bull If the bull cross is 5/8 bull 3/8 grey and the saluki cross is the same as above then pups are: 17/32 grey 6/32 saluki 4/32 collie 5/32 bull If the bull cross is 3/8 bull 5/8 grey and saluki cross is 5/8 saluki 3/8 grey then pups are: 15/32 grey 10/32 saluki 4/32 collie 3/32 bull If the bull cross is 5/8 bull 3/8 grey and the saluki cross is 5/8 saluki 3/8 grey then pups are: 13/32 Grey 10/32 saluki 4/32 coll
  13. Stabs


    Good cartoon The only thing missing from that cartoon is a certain vertically challenged person with a coat, the colour of which can only be described as "butter" who was standing there, face the colour of a ribena berry, drinking a can of Fosters Export at 9am
  14. Stabs


    Oh a long time before!
  15. Stabs


    That's going back a bit when you were in it WILF
  16. Stabs


    Could you narrow it down a bit WILF? It could be so many lads we know
  17. Stabs


    Good edition this month with a few THL member contributions and even a guest appearance from Foxgun Tom
  18. Just goes to show you how bad I am with weights....I would have sworn she was lighter than that. My bitch was 24lb so what's that?......11kg?
  19. Don't ask me...I have to get my wife to change the channels on the telly for me
  20. Good going. Get some pics up if you get a minute. I'd love to see some. Versatile little things those staffords.
  21. I had a stafford as my gun dog for a few years...keen little thing and a godsend on water Good on you fella for getting out there and doing a bit.
  22. Lakeland squeezes your anal glands for free

  23. Have a look at the front cover of last month's EDRD
  24. Taken from Boardogs ages ago....first cross Boxer/Grey
  25. Are you that Tweedcoat bloke? We are always encouraging here about article competitions as we've had two before, with the last one being only last year I think. If there's enough support then we'd always consider another one. Going from what Penny has said above though, the option to submit them to the CMW might be a mute point though due to content constraints. That would depend on the article of course. I can't comment on the CMW as I stopped getting it in about 99'
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