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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. The flies and maggots would probably give it away
  2. All the best Mal...have a good one
  3. And where would it stop Robbie? Collie cross section? Coursing dog section?
  4. A bull cross section has never been tried before and it's not going to happen. We did have a bull breeds section before but that's gone for good too. We all have different dogs people, and some of you are taking all this stuff far too personally. If someone goes out and does well with a bull cross, then he/she should be congratulated. Same as if they went out and did it with a collie cross, Saluki cross or even a bloody Golden Retriever cross...who cares what cross it is? It's no skin off my nose what another man does and what dog he does it with. Some of you are missing the bigger p
  5. That Darcy is a looker isn't he!
  6. Old Time Dancing? Is that like Borstal Breakout by Sham 69?

  7. your article was a good read this month, just watch where your steping , dont want any more accidents
  8. Since I left the country, he has become the proud owner of the best ferreting lurcher in the UK

  9. How's it down your way Steve? Dry as a nun's chuff up here
  10. I used to get asked all the time if my bitch was a whippet cross Yours just looks like a stafford to me
  11. What's the consensus on running on hard ground? Do you blokes generally wait until things have softened up a bit before you run your charges?
  12. Click on here and pick the cut you are after http://www.nutritiondata.com/foods-beef013...0000000000.html Keep in mind the serving size when looking at the grams of protein A very hand website that I've used for years
  13. Some great pics there Breeze....old and new
  14. any pics, videos ? type "terier walijski mysliwskie" into google images
  15. Nice Trev....what is he? Bichon x Maltese? Nice one Tomo....good to see lads looking after each other.
  16. Meg, a first cross wheaten/grey at a gnat's cock over 20"
  17. Terrible news mate. I liked that cantankerous old b*****d. You gave him a proper life mate and he died doing what he was bred for.
  18. Good work lads! Nice to see someone's getting out on the coneys. You're more patient than me putting them on that gate though
  19. Shit mate, that's bad news! Hope you find the old warrior!
  20. Stabs

    Mo charas

    I remember when it happened Trev......terrible business. I'll raise a glass to your pals tonight my friend. RIP
  21. Wallabies are a bugger aren't they! Good pics and nice to see some other lurchers down in the southern hemisphere.
  22. When Trev says American Bulldog....he doesn't mean an "American Bulldog" as in Johnson, Scott etc....more like Mayfield, Patrick, Corvino, Sorrells....
  23. Some old pics of a half cross I used to run
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