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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. I don't know about this liability business. I always found them very well mannered around other dogs and I ran mine in a small pack. I've hunted them in all sorts of company when ratting, from digging dogs, to bull crosses, to bushing terriers and gun dogs and they were spot on, even when other dogs were kicking off. They served me well over the years and it's nice to see some lads still using them out and about. If you give them a go, there's more to them than a block end dog.
  2. Got any pics of the bitch standing Mushroom? Nice to see some out in the field
  3. Died on the job a good few years ago now Danny This aint got much to do with the topic but partner, this little pup was built alot like that dog. She were gonna be twicer he size at full growth but your gyp there reminded me of her and I sure do miss this pup. She died very young learnin the ropes but I did get to see her take a coon at just a bit over 6 months old. I about shit myself. HAHA! How are they bred Dan? They look like a few dogs I see round the traps out here
  4. Died on the job a good few years ago now Danny
  5. A very interesting article and one that emphasises the chattering classes view of the "underclasses" but we should know that already. For anyone who's interested in this sort of thing and the puritanical zeal with which the baiting and fighting sports were banned with, have a read of "All Heaven in a Rage" by ES Turner. The way in which the working classes are being viewed in relation to their hunting (baiting and fighting in the past) pursuits now, is no different to the way they have been viewed for centuries now. Remove the class ownership from a pursuit and you remove its legitimacy as a v
  6. Has nipple rings made from grenade pins

  7. I've seen KC Lakies in the field and even some working. It's not about whether they go down the holes, it's whether they stay down them that's important. I'm glad your terriers are showing signs of promise but from what you've said your dogs aren't blanket proof that KC Lakelands are workers, certainly not yet anyway. There's plenty of lads (and lasses) on here that have worked KC terriers from all the tribes, so you're certainly not on your own there. Best of luck with them and I hope your dogs continue to do all you want from them.
  8. No mate, that's the tragedy....we never got anything. Had some good fun with those two little dogs over the years and I do miss them. Glad you enjoyed reading about them though. That shit makes it worth while. Apologies for hijacking the thread. Got a pup here who very much reminds me of that Meg of mine. He's not got a drop of wheaten blood but he's got a similar attitude to work.
  9. i knew i had seen that staff in your avatar before its old kesh out edrd if im right??? that bitch reminded me straight away and again if im right she was meg and you lost her on farm out working??? i used to love the articles about kesh and nell really good reading and summat different to prove the doubters about staffs wrong!! ive found an old edrd in my pile from august 05 no 157 and the article on staffs in the field would be worth putting on here if you can as anyone who hasnt read it would find it interesting ive just it again and its still a good read!! BUT this is wheaton thread some c
  10. No, very linty like a Bedlington cross jacket. Picked up all the shit when we were out. Not a good coat at all.
  11. nice lookimg bitch, had you shaved her coat in that pick? cheeers No, stripped with a blade
  12. Slightly more beardie than greyhound
  13. One that I had the pleasure of working for a short time......darling of a dog she was. Hard as nails and the softest bitch with people Very well bred but had a dash of bull through PG's blood via RHU
  14. BLOODY HELL STABBS, has that dog got any goat in its lineage? 1/2 goat 1/2 army blanket
  15. I run my dogs on some really extreme ground, varying from as hard as bell metal, to absolute gloop and they've had no bother at all...and these extremes have been within days of each other, not over a seasons change. Beardie blood seems to give you decent feet The ground I run now is a nightmare, but so far so good
  16. Dead right Bosun, had hours of fun with the buggers and you do get a certain sense of achievement when you actually get something with them.
  17. Courtesy of Socks.... Good Veggies' & Fruits to Feed (Foods you can feel good about feeding. Add lots of green leafy vegetables) Courgettes- Romaine (COS) Lettuce - High nutritional value Ice Berg Lettuce - has no nutritional value but is OK to feed. You can use as a filler. Tomatoes (avoid the leaves and stems) - Carrots - These are high in sugars so be careful Celery - Not much nutritional value but is a good diuretic. Bok Choy - Parsley- Oranges - Apples (not the seeds) - peas- Bananas - Alfalpha Sprouts - Bell Peppers (Capsicum) - red, green and yellow Fresh
  18. Ever wondered where Simoman has been lately?

    On tour with Jimmy Somerville

  19. shit in what way?carried them around etc? Ate them. I used to rat a bit on my job and the staffs got a lot of work but although they caught their fair share, they couldn't hold a candle to the terriers when it came to ratting. I could put loads of pics up and back up a spurious claim that they were good ratters, but they weren't really.
  20. Had two that were shit on rats, if you mean Bull Terriers that is. Had two Staffs that I worked on them too, and they were also shit.
  21. Retired after a nasty encounter with a pig Once the bandages were off Broken shoulder, broken leg, throat puncture, chest puncture, semi-gutted and massively bruised lungs Still gets out daily but mainly light duties these days
  22. I hate to burst your bubble lads but Kevin Rudd never said that at all. He's a lefty and would never dream of saying anything remotely like that. Before he got to power, this was attributed to His predecessor, John Howard....now he probably did say it
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