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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Couple of home grown ladies Julie Christie Susannah York And a couple of foreign types BB Faye Dunaway
  2. All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets

    1. Stabs
    2. mackem


      Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me.

    3. Stanleigh


      I see you,v been round our way again

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  3. That's the one mate. Thanks for giving it the once over.
  4. I could play "Stairway To Heaven" when I was 12. Jimmy Page didn't actually write it until he was 22. I think that says quite a lot.

    1. Moll.
    2. WILF


      Jimmy Page has got nothing compared to your wide and diverse talents my good man!

  5. I used to have your avatar as my screen saver at work until I was told it was inappropriate. f*****g pakis...no sense of fun

  6. After reading some differing opinions on the justifications and situations for breeding dogs, I thought I'd put my view out there. Ostensibly it's concerning bulldogs, but I suppose it could apply to any amount of breeds/types. I’ve had a few people approach me recently in relation to bull terriers and their use in the field, which has resulted in some very interesting discussions on the whole. Those of you who have ever read my articles from way back when will know that I’m of the opinion that a day with a bull terrier in the field is a day salvaged for the dog from the cosy confines
  7. You never see Simoman and Benny from Crossroads in the same room do you?

    1. Simoman


      You ba**ard!!! Better than Len Fairclough i guess lol


    2. Stabs


      Don't forget Bungle too

  8. Fire in the Disco

  9. Tent fighting is still a big thing in Queensland. Wayne McLennan travelled with them and wrote a book, imaginatively called Tent Boxing. Hard lives for some of the fighters and a lot come from pretty crappy backgrounds. They have woman fighters in a lot of the tents too. Pretty wild nights. I've just finished a book called "All in my corner" by Tony Lee and that's got a lot of the old booth fighting in there, but it's predominantly a history of Welsh fighters. Very good book if you're into the history of the sport.
  10. Darlington. I hate the yids not because of their team so much, but by f**k their fans are a bunch of whinging bed wetting c**ts.
  11. 1. Hartlepool 2. Yids. 3. Hartlepool 4. Yids. 5. Hartlepool
  12. I didn't breed her myself I'm afraid. She was bred out of some very good working Wheaten blood and a "lurching" greyhound. She's dead now I'm sorry to say.
  13. Same old re-hashed lazy journalism that's trotted out every time someone mentions the "b" word
  14. Have any of you lot taken a butchers at the hunting authors wanted advert above?

    1. Stabs
    2. SEAN3513


      click on "articles" in the top header to see whats already been posted

    3. Bogger


      how much do you get for a story lol

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  15. I can think of a couple of Tony's dogs that I wouldn't have minded on my yard
  16. La Ramblas has nowt on Skinnergate. I've been to the Nou Camp a few times and could I find a decent pork pie? Could I f**k
  17. Yeah, seeing as they're going to Darlington
  18. Not a lurcher but one I had done in pastels
  19. The flip of that breeding 3/4 bull 1/4 patt
  20. I thought it was good.....just like Tony Hart's Gallery I could almost hear the music from the Deer Hunter
  21. Richard Hawley.......f*****g genius

  22. WILF......For his "On the Buses" charm Dillon....you'll never die not knowing Fellman...a f*****g proper gent Cupid.....an old, valued mate Match.....does a good bbq Bulldog...for the pedigree chat Scothunter...common sense Gnasher....a man after my own heart Artic....I need his autograph Any 5 out of that lot....top lads one and all
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