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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. The raids thread was removed at the request of the original poster.
  2. Anthropomorphism - I blame Rupert the Bear and Bill the Badger When you have people who considered themselves sophisticated there is often the tendency to look at man's more natural and base desires and urges as uncivilised and archaic. The danger of that is you can shroud yourself in a cloak of an artificial reality where you don't know (or want to know) where the basic necessities of life come from. Skills and knowledge are easily lost and when society has become so f*****g rotten that there's little option but to revert to the old ways again, you're well and truly f****d. "Civilisat
  3. Mr. Harcombe has been a bit busy lads...bear with him, it won't be long
  4. she been deleted?? if she has how does that make a difference because time after time she's back :yes: When she comes back, you tell me who she is and I'll do it again and I'll keep doing it
  5. She even caught one on her own doorstep. The terrier bitch had scooted out of the door as she’d obviously realised quicker than I had that something was on and the next thing I knew I was hearing contact! As I ran out of the back door in my bare feet, the security lights came on revealing the terrier bitch on the floor with a fox engaged in a passionate embrace! The first thing that went through my mind was “thank god it’s not a bloody cat” but then the hour of the day came into my head (0530) combined with the fact that my neighbours wouldn’t really relish foxes being killed withi
  6. Not quite a stafford (was sold to me as one), but she caught and killed these 3 in very short order one lovely morning in the Kent countryside
  7. It certainly would be interesting to say the least but often I find that the ones who have the most to say are often the ones who are least inclined to say it due to the actions of those who have nothing to say but break their necks to announce it to the world. Maybe if you had a boxing tent outside - any disagreements - shirt and shoes off and lets go.
  8. She's a f*****g left wing union owned idiot and will be booted out at the first opportunity
  9. Click on that link I posted earlier in the thread and there are examples of articles on there
  10. Mr Harcombe has been exceptionally busy over the December and early January period with call-outs so I'm sure you guys will understand any delays that might result from this. It will be with you soon no doubt.
  11. He's probably not deemed to be a celebrity anymore these days, but one bloke who boils my piss as soon as I see his face, let alone hear his voice is Clive Anderson
  12. Subscription only Subscribe here http://www.earthdog-runningdog.com/#/subscribe/4542042016
  13. The white bitch at the back of that photo? Arab with a dash of stag She was the dam to the dog in the foreground. Sire was a mix of bull terriers of various types and wolfhound - he was the best I've ever seen.
  14. I've never used anything other than a knife on them Richie. I don't like using the guns when there's a dog on the pig. I've got a nice Muelay (sp?) pig sticker now, but back then we used an old Mauser bayonet. Ian Colley's Bonnie and me with a pig we had to drag out of deep brambles after my best mate's old dog Ben found where others had missed.
  15. I remember the first time I lifted a pig Richie...I was pushed off the back of a ute by my mates who were pissing themselves laughing and I tipped the boar and prayed and prayed the dogs wouldn't let go! I needn't have worried though as Ian Colley's Bonnie and his mates 3/4 bred Dane "Duke" had tight hold. It's all on dvd too to my embarassment I was shitting myself but after that you just get stuck right in and you don't even think about it. Little porker we stopped helping himself to some oats back in 2001/2
  16. Genuine question, is 35lb+ for a 6 month old Irish Terrier normal?
  17. When I did a bit of pest controlling it was by virtue of the gig, a numbers game, and that led me on a certain path, one that made me adjust my natural inclination to keep inappropriate dogs around me and become a whole lot more professional. I was under the microscope and had to be seen to be delivering a result - being conspicuous when every fibre of me longed to be the opposite. But when I wasn't on the clock, I loved nothing better than dodging along hedgebacks looking for opportunities, be it a kicked up bunny, a stray pheasant, a tub full of raspberries or a puffball of two. That was and
  18. i`me sure i`ve seen that in the gunshop window in barnard castle,i`ll pick up a copy on my next visit Ask him to sign it while you're there
  19. I've got a signed copy (he works in my families local gun shop) on its way to me. I'll look forward to having a butchers when it lands in my postbox
  20. I think you've got the right one there Darbo. Do you remember it being any good?
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