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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. It's pissing down if that helps
  2. It's the middle of the day here Baw
  3. I like it..... You're only gay if you push back
  4. That's the thing Baw, if you genuinely want to make a contribution and have a bit banter with like-minded folk, then there's no problem. If you keep coming back to cause trouble and post insults and threats and inflammatory threads, what choice do we have?
  5. We generally ask them which account they would like to keep and then bin the others. We have tools that we can run which spots multiple IP address use, but this isn't very practical as a number of people might use the same computer i.e. families. Trouble makers and repeat offenders are deleted
  6. You need to state the prices you are after please
  7. Please keep this on topic gents Whin, if you'd care to regale us with tales of your days and nights out, please feel free to start a topic of your own. There's potentially lots of lads and lasses on here who would love to hear about your exploits and not you bringing other lads' achievements down
  8. If you don't like Coronation Street, why turn the telly on and watch it every time it's on?
  9. For those who haven't had a look yet, there's some good articles here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/page/index.html And here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/ Some of the recent ones have been first class and I've particularly enjoyed milegajo's If any of you lot fancy penning something you can submit it on that first link and it'll go up after being approved
  10. That's always going to be the problem sadly but there are writers out there (Suffolk Bill, Welsh All Black, Colin Didriksen, Paul Dooley, Chris Breen, Simon Fairclough...I could go on) who do manage to write engaging and interesting articles that go miles beyond the "dog chased rabbit" standard and that's what makes them good articles I suppose. You come away feeling as though after the ten minutes spent reading their piece that you know a little bit more about them; about their life and how they interact with dog/quarry/nature. That's a real skill. Some blokes write straight factual stuff
  11. You transfering? :laugh: P.S hedz, i like the pictures I'm currently writing short stories for Mayfair
  12. You're just embarrassed about being a southerner
  13. So how do we encourage people to try their hand at an article or two? We need some new blood and with all the will in the world (with the possible exception of Mr Harcombe), people aren't as prolific as time goes on and their lives and obligations / priorities change. There are some very good writers for EDRD (I can't comment on CMW as I don't get it), but we need a situation where new writers are stepping up to keep things healthy.
  14. I found that on vinyl the other day and I hadn't heard it for 20 years so I gave it a spin.....they had some good tunes. I remember The Ship in Margate exploding everytime Time for Action came on....mind you, that might have had something to do with the snakebite
  15. Had this with my old Wheaten cross bitch. She used to watch rabbits run past her; stand by and watch the other dogs snag foxes and she would just sniff them. She fired up on feral cats which had been a problem on one of my farms and then a fox bit her and it was all on. This same dog then used to ricochet around the back of the motor if she saw so much as a squirrel when we were driving onto permission
  16. Could the relevant comments of "personal abuse" not have been taken off rather than the entire thread?I think there were valid points and I tried to make them myself on the whole questioning what was in the article And simply questioned weather what was written were accurate and fair from 2 separate Lurcher people. That's one option mate and the thread has been hidden rather than deleted so maybe that was the moderator's intention. It's common to hide something whilst it's tidied up. How about I speak to the moderator concerned and then have a crack at that and then merge the two topics
  17. Lads, I wasn't on when this got taken down but I've just a read through it and having a difference of opinion is one thing, but the thread strayed over the line into personal abuse and that ain't on. Fair enough you don't agree with what has been written by someone, but the minute you go down the personal insults route the threads will start disappearing. Keep it constructive and try and get your points across without abusing people.
  18. Stabs


    Had this happen a few times. I think the foxes came in from the smell of the geese and pheasants that I chucked in with the ferrets. One occasion I thought I was going to be in bother as my neighbours on one side hated me and had already called the cops on me once - not hunting people. The bitch in question broke a few terracotta pots and knocked over a few watering cans when she was in grips with the fox and as this was about 5am I expected trouble, but none eventuated. The other side were good as gold and he was retired and would spend afternoons plinking at squirrels who came down for his m
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