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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Are they both yours Waz? How did your one work out? Smart lookers
  2. I've seen them worked over here Lennard. There's a few local to me and they were baying like hounds. No ferrets involved, just daytime mooching. They did get on to a big fox, but when they saw ivory they backed right off. They have caught rabbits, but they were pretty wild and didn't take much notice of the owner. Whether that's the dogs themselves or more down to the owner's failings, I couldn't say. There was a good article about them in EDRD a few years back, working the stoney ground in Malta and the fact that they are bred for voice.
  3. I've been out with Pharoah hounds and if you think Hancocks yap, you should hear these beauties!
  4. Easy people....... You're making it sound like a go to loads of shows
  5. No they bloody don't Don't you dare woman!
  6. Don't be taking photos of me again Keeps!
  7. I'll be there for that one I'd better bloody win something this year
  8. Look on here http://www.boardogs.com loosely speaking it's EBT/Pointer/Grey but there's all sorts of debate about the origins and lines
  9. What limitations does it have? What can't it do that the Deben job can?
  10. Very nice Keeps Good job you didn't have a lurcher eh?
  11. http://www.naturenet.net/law/common.html
  12. We ask/tell them to leave and they do, they then come back later and the whole process repeats itself
  13. I think "smiling" is connected with the submissive gesture of lower ranking dogs towards higher ranking dogs in the pack, they will curl their lip and nuzzle the higher ranking dogs lips, if you watch wolves and wild dogs this is how they greet each other and affirm their pack status. "smiling" is definately hereditary, If you breed from a dog that "smiles" some of the pups will inherit this characteristic and it can be seen from quite an early age - I dont like it personally, as it can be interpreted by people who arent used to dogs as the dog baring its teeth a mate of mine years ago
  14. We have experimental crops which are very easily contaminated and that doesn't seem to make a blind bit of difference. More razor wire needed and some bandogs.
  15. Bouncing like Masai?
  16. We've spoken to the cops about these diggers and they can't do much. We can get them on destruction of property when they pull fences down, but other than that we just have to tell them to sling their hooks. I've lost count of the number of times I've been told to shoot them
  17. I know that trespass isn't a criminal offense, merely a civil one so it's very difficult keeping anyone off the land. I've got trouble with metal detectorists due to an undug Roman villa on one of my farms and those f*ckers know the law inside out
  18. Stabs


    Good luck tomorrow for the Welsh. Nothing against the Irish like, but I'd like to see the Welsh win. It's been a long time and I think they deserve it
  19. I stand before you humbled and corrected Charlie Looks nowt like my beardie greyhound like
  20. It's one of the Belgian Shepherds Tomo, there's three distinct types, with the Mal being the choice for the sport and security lads.
  21. When I lived on the farm the local gypsy boys kept a few and as I've said before, they looked nowt like that dog, but there's genetics for you. They were basically fox dogs, or that's what they were mainly used for. They did go rabbitting with them, but not all that often. Good luck with the dog.
  22. I've seen good small ones and good big ones and bad examples of both too. It's not always the size of the animal that determines success. It's often what the animal does when it's too ground that's the telling factor. I think you can offer a preference at the end of the day, but there are determining factors such as terrain, quarry (the yanks and their groundhogs), bolt/stay & dig etc. I've had poor small dogs myself for the digging game in the past but it's not always black and white, you don't have to have a small or a big one after all. There is middle ground. I have a dog here that
  23. Shildon show is ok, there's one on at the Old club on the 28th I think, but that's terriers only I believe?? The one later on in the year is for terriers and lurchers
  24. Sound advice there. You have to remember that just because you have the time and inclination to keep a dog now, your world is going to change very drastically when you finish college. Say you're studying for what...3 years? Then you leave and join the rank and file and get yourself a job....what happens to the mutt? If you are college educated and in the South East, chances are you could be working up town, which means travelling, and that takes time. I'm not trying to dissuade you, but you should have your eyes open as to what your priorities are and if you really want a dog right now. The l
  25. Looks like a good night WAF. How's that bitch bred?
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