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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Potty mouth Charlie! I am glad you didn't type "hoose" for Valerio as he'd wonder what the f*ck you were on about
  2. Hi Valerio, you anything to do with them lads that hunted with Dai not so long back?
  3. There's lads on www.boardogs.com that use terriers in the blackberries for the pigs
  4. I'd be interested in that too. I reckon one of them would do for me. I've always liked them and at some point in the future I'd like to have a nice Beddy, whether pure or with a dash of something else in there.
  5. He's some head on him
  6. Is he a first cross Lucky?
  7. Stabs


    We'll have you on Socks' Midland diet. Breakfast - Four cans of Guinness and a block of cheese Lunch - Bowella Dinner - More Bowella and whatever Turk has killed lately, washed down with something dodgy out of an old sherry bottle, kindly supplied by the Irish contingent Repeat on the second day!
  8. Stabs


    If you go to the Midland this year mate, ask the Welsh boys if they'll make you a Bowella
  9. Stabs


    I bet he's off his tits on Bostik and Thunderbirds already
  10. You can't condemn a lad for having an education! Just cos' some of you lot grew up in schools that would put "Scum" to shame!
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cambrid...ire/4409651.stm
  12. Detling or Eridge? I reckon Detling'll be better. I might make the drive down for that one You going? You are right about my shooting!
  13. Yeah, there wasn't much there was there. Don't forget the fire engine was pulling wheelies! And the fuckers wouldn't let us go on the rifle range!
  14. Was Eridge the one where we had them funny prawns?
  15. Found a nest amongst the abandoned farm machinery today.... Took me right back to when I was a bairn I don't know if this clutch will survive though as we'd just bolted a fox from these bales not minutes before, and it's a bit close to the nest
  16. That was confidential Mac :realmad:
  17. Stabs

    Forum Activity

    I totally agree Reload. It's by us for us
  18. Stabs

    Forum Activity

    Does Tom Riley still write for them? I haven't read his stuff for ages.
  19. Nice one mate. I'll be out myself tonight I think. I have the same problems with hills as you by the sounds of things. You get some real heart in your mouth runs going downhill
  20. Stabs


    From a book about skinheads from the early/mid eighties funnily enough I used to have that as my screensaver at work until someone complained! The book is by Nick Knight if anyone is interested and IMO is better than the Skinhead Bible
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