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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Had a stroll out this morning as there was f*ck all better to do on this bank holiday. We'd only just hit the ponds and the little black bitch gave me a mark in pool side tree. The tree rat was despatched and although dead, hung on for all he was worth His grip didn't last long though....and he dropped to the bitch Only the two but some good sport
  2. Is there much rough country in Sussex?
  3. So that's why you're a nutcase? Liver Madras.....f*cking lovely!
  4. Nowt wrong with it Baldie, just don't go daft with it. I get loads from the butchers and give the mutts a piece with every meal. Nowt wrong with that.
  5. Wouldn't mind having a go at them geese your controlling mate <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're welcome anytime mate. Just give me a bell.
  6. Sorry to hear that Mack. Seen this a few times with English Bulls.
  7. That top pic looks like the type I used to see about when I was a bairn. You certainly don't see many like that about now.
  8. Everytime you fancy a tab, have a can of Strongbow...that's what I did
  9. Arktis are good and you can pick them up cheap (new) on Ebay occasionally. Best coat I've had for mooching and falling through hedges has been this one... Goretex Extreme Cold weather Arctic parka. I'm sure I've got a spare used one if you aren't fussy about it being new mate. Good bit of kit courtest of the US army with the only downside is it's cammo.
  10. What ammo did you use for that mate? King Edward or Jersey New?
  11. he wouldn,t be welsh by any chance <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't have thought so with a name like Dai
  12. Nice one Chuck Can't beat a do on the squirrels
  13. Did you get yourself one Charlie?
  14. You're a dirty b*****d Lakeland! Did you boil it in Dettol?
  15. Their terrier show was hilarious last year. Some old bird won near on every class as she had a transit full of every type of terrier you could think of. On the whole, it was shite. What made it for me last year was seeing the childlike glee on Cupids face when the fire engine started doing wheelies...
  16. I don't shoot them with it....I club the fuckers with it
  17. I was wiping the 12g down and putting it away when the mongrel raced off after a squirrel between one of the sheds. Nell was close behind and was marking a load of plastic tubes. I picked these up, one by one and shook them and to my mind, there was nowt there. These were 15 metres long and there was f**k all in them. But the bitch was going crackers.....so I kept on........... She kept marking the same one though so I persevered and we got dividends!
  18. Went out this morning on the foxes but got distracted with the geese There was a Greylag injured on the lake.......... Then a Canada Not a bad do....
  19. Stabs


    Join the army son.....it's all windsurfing and paragliding these days
  20. He's not on the computer anymore Kane. He's had a few problems at home which is why you won't have heard from him. He's still got the little red dog though and a few more besides. Since the Canadas have made it to the vermin list, I have hardly seen any. Typical.
  21. That's the first time she's done it Kane. I don't do a great deal of ferreting so it's not a problem for me. As soon as she found that bury she growled to make the other dogs understand that it was hers Bitch is 19 months old
  22. Out last night for a little stroll over the hills, just seeing what was what and the lurcher found a hole. I've been noticing her nose coming on really well as she's grown and she's marking brambles really well. Her marking as a youngster was a bit vague in so much that you had to be watching her constantly to pick up the little signs. She's become a little more obvious now! Dig the bugger out! Getting frustrated now She was chewing the roots around the entrance too so I could only assume it was occupied Digging herself into the hillside! You
  23. Those pictures don't show anything illegal in his (steaming's) country. If he chooses to post photos of a legal activity on this international board then that's up to him. They can't ban foot holds again here can they? Ultimately, he's his own ambassador for his sport so he knows the risks better than we do. Ok, so the pic is distasteful to us, but we can't apply our moral values to Australians as much as they can't to us. As I said, this is an international board and occasionally you are going to see practices which are outlawed here. f**k me, most things are outlawed here so you are liab
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