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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Charlie....it's h-o-U-s-e......just for future reference... :11:
  2. I was/am Stabs on smoochers as well as being V on Boardogs....and I also dress as Batman at weekends Dogs are good mate, still plodding away.
  3. We used to speak years ago mate....don't think it was on smoochers though. Maybe through Boardogs? I was called Vandal over on there.
  4. Get f****d Chilli....you're just jealous Welcome aboard Lee. Get some pics up of those dogs of yours when you get a second mate.
  5. If that's the dog you had with you yesterday, then that bitch really must be small
  6. Stabs


    All you lads wearing trainers and wellies all the time can't do much running about. I would seriously advise you getting some proper ankle support from a decent pair of boots. You don't see the army running around in wellies and trainers and for good reason Stabs Altama Marketing Board
  7. Stabs


    Altamas lads, honestly, they are excellent. You can pick them up cheaper on Ebay and they have a spike proof sole. I can't speak highly enough of them http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...ssPageName=WDVW
  8. Waz, PM me your addy and I'll send it over once I've had a butchers.
  9. Stabs


    Altamas for the summer. Chuck a goretex boot liner in if it's damp. Proper job. http://www.sofmilitary.co.uk/military/index.htm
  10. http://www.djt-club.de/ Click on Der DJT to see some working pics. They are basically a type of Lakie (Ynysfor) with a bit of Welsh in there from way back (1920/30's). There was an intersting article on them in EDRD about a year ago, translated from German, all about their origins. I've seen them worked over in Poland at the trials. They are very popular in central Europe (Czech Rep. Germany, Slovakia and Poland) along with the Dachsund (Teckel or Jamnik).
  11. That's me in Mac's avatar :11:
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4536627.stm
  13. I've known some good artists over the years and there's plenty that whilst being technically very good, can't draw dogs for toffee. That's an excellent pic Reload
  14. Aye it was a good day. One of those rare days when I was on fire with the shooting. Those pikeys are more of a nuisance than anything. They are shite fishermen and worse with an air rifle. I blew a maggies nest up in a tree next to them with a 42g No.3 and you should have seen them run You wouldn't believe the amount of geese and ducks they are injuring though :realmad:
  15. Is that my old house I can see in the background? Mam and pup are looking well mate. Looking forward to seeing them soon
  16. I've had bother with pikeys getting on my manor recently, trying to lift the carp and trout from one of the lakes. It seems like they've been tooled up too judging by the amount of injured birds about. Needless to say I did the right thing where I could. sending out the labrador The pick up The retrieve Today was one of those days when everything went well
  17. I looked at the 525 but plumped for the 686 instead.
  18. :11: :11: :11: :11: :11: :11: Love it!!
  19. Stabs

    i must say

    They're offering you biters Chilli! :11:
  20. I can't be arsed sitting round waiting for the Chuck. You'd get a decent bag if you had the patience.
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