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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. Sally Maclennane and A pair of brown eyes......ah the memories
  2. So far mate. If she would only retrieve the woodies without eating them...
  3. You can't beat a bit of the Dubliners
  4. http://www.vets-for-hunting.org.uk/badgers.html
  5. Finally finished this book today and it was OK. The book is a glossy hard back with a photo of Nicky Stevens Roxy adorning the front and most of it's 157 photos are in colour and of very good quality. The book itself seems like an introduction to the sport with the first half or so concerned with the usual terrier book information such as breed description, history, entering, first aid etc etc. Most members on here won't read anything they don't know in there and there's nothing you haven't read in books by the likes of Frain, Plummer and Shaw :11: As I said above the photos are first
  6. The bitsa got another this morning, not too far from where t'other one was. This was a vixen weighing in at bang on 5lbs. She was feeding on one of the middens. Brummy, this was by that earth we checked that had been filled in, by the brick shed. I've been dumping geese out the back of there. Nice gentle learning curve
  7. Good looking dog though Trev. Shame about how he turned out but. At least you had a few seasons out of him, which is more than a lot of dogs do.
  8. How was that dog bred Trev? Seen a fair few Nuttall dogs with that blaze. He went to the best place given his working record. Pity there aren't more who do as you do.
  9. I should imagine me and Cupid will be there
  10. Stabs


    Wasn't George Curtis Trap Collector's uncle?
  11. :11: Just got the book through so obviously I haven't read it yet, but at first glance it looks class! The photos are superb and there's lots contributed by Jason Powell, Nicky Stevens, Dave Finlay and Dai Harcombe. Some really good grafting pics too, the type we all like to see. The lay out is basically traditional but contains a profile of various terriermen at the back - John Cowens, Eddie Chapman, Levi Oakes, Dai H., JP, and a few others we might not be so familiar with from Italy and Ronny Cloot too for those who know him. The profile is a question and answer format along t
  12. Excellent pic! Did your mate run that in there? Or was it trying to bolt?
  13. Stabs


    100 yards now eh? I seem to remember it more like 15 :11: Nah...just kidding. It would have been a good shot if you'd meant it :11: Did Sitting Bull get some proper mags for that Ruger? I seem to remember he'd just bought some knives when I was over....and you broke one of them and didn't tell him :whistle: Does your Mrs get those Bucks and Winchesters she was flogging out of that big supermarket we was at?
  14. Stabs


    You lying c*nt :11: I seem to remember you sitting on your kitchen floor butchering hares with an axe :11: :11: :11: You did a fair few that morning eh mate
  15. Oh I don't know mate....I've drank in a few rats nests in the Kings Cross area of Sydney :11:
  16. Stabs


    That's the very one Mac. Nice bit of kit that Damn site cheaper than what I paid too
  17. Stabs


    I do like those thumb open jobbies. Very handy. Those S&W are 440 steel too.
  18. Stabs


    I've got a Victorinox multi-tool which goes everywhere with me and that's got two good blades, one slightly serrated. They keep a good edge and I've caped out a few foxes with that one. I don't know how much they are over here as I got mine on the continent but they'd be similar to a Gerber or Leatherman I suppose. I also keep a Victorinox Swiss Champion handy. As for a fixed blade I bought a Cudeman last year and it's been good http://www.cutlerytogo.com/cudemanofspain.html I did use a Smith and Wesson (silver, part serrated, 2nd from left top row) http://worldwideknives.com/s
  19. Nah, realised I already had it over the weekend
  20. I think with my very limited experience it's more a matter of training them what NOT to run, rather than trying to train them what to run and hunt. Obviously with young dogs, there's a time limit involved, especially for things that bite back.
  21. Some nice Tench out towards Gilmorton mate
  22. :11: I'll get me coat
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