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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. I bet they can shift. I liked that male of yours. Haven't seen him since he's grown though. Send us some pics and I'll put them up. Has he still got that Borzoi head?
  2. This looks like my dining room wall :11: Looks like a good day mate. Nice and warm by the looks of it too
  3. You were like this when the male was a young un' you soft shite! :11: Face it, dogs don't like you :11:
  4. I've got a pure bulldog here that yaps and he certainly wasn't entered early....he's just a noisy f*cker. Personally I couldn't give a sh*t.
  5. Poem was shite :11: No seriously though, really top job that
  6. F*cks sake...I'm welling up here
  7. Stabs


    http://www.moocher.uklinux.net/ Seems like Moocher is pulling the plug I know it's been quiet on there of late, but I'll be sorry to see it go. Met some top lads from off there over the years and it was the numero uno for a long time. Thanks for everything Moocher. All the best for whatever you do.
  8. I didn't read much when I was outside of school, but I remember first reading A Kestrel for a Knave by Barry Hines when I was about 10 and thought it was amazing. Didn't see the film for another few years though. It was like someone had sat down and wrote a book about me! Ring of Brightwater sticks in my mind too. Haven't read that for a very long time. My most read books back when I was a bairn were bird books and books on British wildlife, especially fishing. Still got them all too. Without a doubt, my most read book when I was a nipper was the Observers book of Birds Eggs :whistle:
  9. Nice one Kiwi. Did they lug up?
  10. Nice one Trev. Good to see some real deal white lakies Keep the pics coming mate. Do you still have that G of I?
  11. Go straight to the top of the class Mac :11:
  12. It's summer for f*cks sake. Leave them be.
  13. It's them Eastern European's I f*cking hate :11: :11: :11: Co najmniej język polski są biały, który jest więcej niż może być dla Birmingham większej części
  14. She's just a mongrel lurcher
  15. looks racy enough to me Daz I'd hate to think what you'd make of my cloddy beasts :11:
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