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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. I've cut the breasts off before and fed them to the mutts. It's all they're good for.
  2. Have you got this months Levs? Some belters in this one Do you get Wild Boar Australia? Some dogs I've hunted with are in the last one
  3. I've saved those last two for you mate Did you stop at that equestrian centre on the way back from prison mate? I bet you did you dirty swine :11: Paddy I chuck those geese in with my ferrets mate, but as I've been getting a few of late, I've just been slinging them on the stink pit. My young lurcher thought it was Christmas when she found one of the pits on Saturday as she was rolling in decomposing Greylags :sick:
  4. Not so many geese around this week, but there were a few on the ponds. This was a young one on Saturday morning Early Sunday found us over there again and this pair were taken with one shot from a 3" 36g No.3. I must admit to this being a fluke Not everything went quite to plan though as this one was taken to opposite bank as it dropped a few few short and my dogs are lazy She did come straight back for the second one though Spot the magnum cartiridge floating in the foreground This was also my first bunny taken with this shotty so I was very pl
  5. Good do Nobby! This rain's softened the ground up here a touch so it's looking like I'll have mine out soon enough. Can't wait!
  6. Bushed 5 last weekend with the collie cross and two of them flew to ground. There's an earth that's been pulled right out in the last few weeks and it's not the queer fellows either. I've never seen it before at this time of year.
  7. Stabs

    Pig and Dog

    Is that firehose mate? Anymore info on the dogs?
  8. Some good sizes there mate. Never broke the 100kg barrier myself
  9. Stabs

    Phantom Leg

    I get sent them from strange spinster ladies who like to see a smile on my face
  10. Stabs

    Phantom Leg

    http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-latest/latest.php click on dog eat dog :11:
  11. Stabs

    some pics

    I'd never have guessed that mate. Real bully looking
  12. Stabs

    some pics

    Excellent photos Kiwi. What's the breeding of that red dog? Boxer/Lab again is it?
  13. Cracking pics mate Are they Plummer terriers?
  14. Months of training mate
  15. Anyway, you're in no position to talk about the amount of dogs a bloke has
  16. I need a few pointers off you lads
  17. Stabs

    Kate Hoey

    Always had a lot of time for her She stood up when we needed her and that gets my vote.
  18. Cheers Phil. The light brindle thing is bit of a bitsa with a lot of terrier in there and the other one is a collie cross.
  19. Stabs


    Not another one from the North East :11: Half the buggers on here are from up there! Only messing Jonner, good to see new people joining
  20. Just testing out my new camera and it's proving a bit trickier than my last one! I used to carry one of those little Fuji jobs around that fir easier in your pocket, but I've bought a Minolta Z10 and it's a bit bulkier and it's got too many buttons I look like a Japanese tourist when I go out now :11: One of the rare moments that this dog stays still Her favourite pastime....rolling in shit or dead things :11: The two pals :friends: I did try a "Pan.Handle" type running shot, but it's all very well having a decent camera, but it makes no
  21. Cheers lads. The geese were feeding on the stubble this morning but they got up when I was about 200 yards away. Did you get out Craggy?
  22. You're welcome anytime, you know that. £40 a day? :11:
  23. I was out on the foxes this morning bright and early and a few flights came over on the way to one of my ponds. I wasn't having much joy with old charlie as he'd been giving me the right run around, so I changed my load to a 36g steel 3s and headed of to the pools. There must have been around 60-70 birds there so I left the more excitable dogs in the motor and me and little Nell dropped a few birds. My first double There were a couple of injured Greylags I took care of as well. Not a bad tally. 4 shots 4 geese From left to right they were
  24. :11: I've been waiting for the Plummer cuddling picture for a while now Bantam!
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