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Everything posted by Stabs

  1. tonight sees the opening of the raspberry and vanilla vodka!

    1. long dogs

      long dogs

      Never tasted that.what it like

    2. Simoman


      Its like raspberry and vanilla flavoured vodka lol. Olives are just for us classy gents eh stabs? lol

    3. long dogs

      long dogs

      Dont like olives.il get a bottle.tried the lime one

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  2. Uru...clear your inbox please. Got something for you.
  3. is that 1 of them "urban lurchers " ?? Yeah, one of them bull crosses
  4. This was caught in my garden in the middle of a large town centre. Found the pheasants and bunnies in the ferret court too tempting
  5. Chilli with tomatoes, peppers and chillis picked from the garden today

    1. paulus


      a few more weeks and i will be able to do the same

    2. Malt
    3. Stabs


      Broccoli is nearly ready too, and the horseradish needs to come up soon.


  6. Simoman has a Bedlington Terrier called Laurence

    1. Simoman


      And he will shortly be offered at stud as hes nearly 6 months

  7. Any you tube links to that, dont think i have heard it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPIeOezvLgo
  8. Next person who puts a dog fighting clip up gets deleted. Gents...think about it.....
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_rising_terminal Very f*****g annoying
  10. Friday night....cold beer, beef shin cooking on the stove, Traffic on the record player and I don't like the way that single malt keeps looking at me

    1. Simoman


      Straight back down eh?

    2. Stabs


      f**k...late eighties was your thing was it mate?

      Bit of Terence Trent Darby later on? Maybe The Pasadenas?

    3. Simoman


      Im doing fine now, without you baby

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  11. Les Ferdinand had it over Andy Cole for my money
  12. Squirrel control opened a lot of doors for me and my mutts used to love them The Stafford cross used to go nuts for them She was convinced she could climb trees too
  13. Dave Angel :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. PM them to Ian or one of the other mods RH and we'll sort them out. Come on lads....this is an excellent prize...get writing!
  15. I'll second that. Nice one young fella
  16. I had me one of those olde tyme staffordshire bull terriers.....had 70 years of kennel club breeding behind it. ...bit of leg covers a multitude of sins
  17. There's a nice shop half way down Sloane Street just off Cadogan square that used to sell them....tres expensive!
  18. Elevating ignorance to the level of professionalism

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