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Status Updates posted by Stabs

  1. Ever wondered where Simoman has been lately?

    On tour with Jimmy Somerville

  2. He feeds beefburgers to swans

  3. He's never been the same since Trevor decided to go solo


  4. Stabs

    jewish catholic pagan communist conservative republican monarchist national socialist muslim scientologist boys....jewish catholic pagan communist conservative republican monarchist national socialist muslim scientologist boys.....

    Laced up boots and cordurouys!

  5. My arms are missing you, my lips feel the same way too

    I tried so hard to be true, like I promised I'd do

    But this boy keeps coming around, he's trying to wear my resistance down

    Hey Simo, Simo, oh Simoman, when are you coming back

    Simo, Simo, oh Simoman, when are you coming back

  6. Selwyn...you left your library book round here t'other night


  7. 27 degrees at 0430

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tilfertilfer
    3. just jack

      just jack

      writing a book in the heat, can't knock that

    4. Stabs


      "It was a hot night and I was wearing only a smile.....and socks......."


  8. A dream to some..............a nightmare to others

    1. darbo


      A saluki cross lol.

    2. Millet
    3. steve66


      Nufc winning the prem ha ha

  9. All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stabs
    3. mackem


      Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me.

    4. Stanleigh


      I see you,v been round our way again

  10. All the bullion in the world cannot transform what is simply second rate

  11. Almost time to pack the bags and head home

    1. RossM


      Where you been stabs?

    2. Stabs


      Back home to England Ross. Back to Australia end of the week.

    3. RossM


      Safe journey my man, give simo a flick in the stones from me.... Lol

  12. And the children say "There goes Chowt Faced Tarquin"

    1. Simoman


      With his piss stained fingers!!

    2. Simoman


      "Chowt faced Tarquin" the new film by Guy Ritchie staring Tim Healy as Tarquin

    3. Stabs


      Thou shall have a fishy on a little dishy.........


  13. Bowls from the pavilion end

  14. Chilli with tomatoes, peppers and chillis picked from the garden today

    1. paulus


      a few more weeks and i will be able to do the same

    2. Malt
    3. Stabs


      Broccoli is nearly ready too, and the horseradish needs to come up soon.


  15. Coming in April you silver tongued c**t

  16. Convict? Charges dropped I think you'll find. Which is shame as I went out and got the Aryan Brotherhood tattos and everything

  17. Drops anchor in poo bay

  18. Duncan Norvelle's stunt double

  19. Elevating ignorance to the level of professionalism

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