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Everything posted by Meriln2008

  1. KONIOBIJCA!! Dicka glowy Говорить нагрузку хлама >>>>> :sick:
  2. KONIOBIJCA!! Dicka glowy >>>>> :sick:
  3. KONIOBIJCA!! >>>>> :sick:
  4. I work with about 12 some through an agency but most are on the firms contract now. Good hard workers.Pay thier tax etc.got mortgages.What more can I say. >>>>> :sick:
  5. Thought you might be interested to know that following the UK Government's freedom of information act you can now get access to ALL speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months. Did you know that every time your car goes past a speed camera, even 1mph over the set limit, it is registered and put on a database? You only get a ticket if you are way over the limit or, (this is the bit that I didn't know) if you receive over 10 near misses, you will be classed as a serial offender and get a ticket the next time you go just over the limit.This is why you hear of people being done for 34mp
  6. mate bought new .22 rimfire with silencer and scope as a kit. When he went out to zero it couldn't get less than a 6" group at 60yds. Took it back when going for more ammo, asked the question and it turned out they'd given him a .177 silencer by mistake. So I'm guessing that it will only affect your accuracy. >>>>> :sick:
  7. I use autocad 2008,Solidworks and Alibre. What software you got? Generaly I think you'll be very hard pushed to find anything to design 'new' to be used by anyone in these forums. Most equipment is tried and tested and I can't think of anything thats missing from the available sources. Adaptations for individual situations are all thats usually required. I do quite a lot of work locally drawing up gear for people to have made or make themselves. Apart from different versions of traps etc.Ive also designed a plastic Moderator for airguns which is lighter than any I can find and quieter th
  8. Used to use allum years ago. Not sure if you can still get it.Theres bound to be something the HSE bods have found to ban it. would use the back of a hacksaw blade to scape then stretch it out over a large enough board then rub in the allum then coat with salt/allum mix(80/20 by vol). Should still have the old 50's Taxidermy book somewhere with the process in. >>>>> :sick:
  9. Don't get the chance to go fishing these days.But I do know of a couple of places where I can get signal cray fish while walking the dogs. they're a good size too! If the guys fishing pull them out they're not allowed to chuck them back and there's a big plastic bin of water nearby to chuck them in.We just help ourselves.Not sure what happens to any left at the end of they day.Maybe the bailiff has them for supper? >>>>> :sick:
  10. I do it the easy way these days.Getting to old to clamber in and out of skips. http://www.freecycle.org/ People post stuff they want shot off. You go round and pick it up,FREE. Last week I just missed 2 large rabbit hutches in fair nick.A bunny hugger got there 1/2hr before me. >>>>> :sick:
  11. Get John B's book and make you're own Drop boxes for about £20.00 each. Commercial can cost £65+ each. Best dug in same time as rabbit fencing. Or make yourself a doz or so of these J.B.'s book has better plans with some good alternatives. >>>>> :sick:
  12. http://evilchili.com/mediaview/26854/Rifle_Recoils_Galore_ >>>>> :sick:
  13. Shooting them isn't too hard but you'll end up with a crick in yer neck. I'd go for trapping them.Use seesaw traps(easily made) with peanut butter for bait. >>>>> :sick:
  14. Hello Witchywoo.And welcome. Greyhounds and lurchers of all X breeds are sighthounds and as far as they are concerned anything that is smaller than them and moves is a 'chase it and chew it'.But that doesn't that they have a poor sense of smell.Its just not quite as keen or relied on as other breeds. I bet your springer spends most of its time nose down and tail up. Her eyes are keener than a lot of breeds and thats what she'll use most,but will still check for scents,that's how she'll have found the cat and having seen and cornered it went for the kill. watch a few vids of working l
  15. Yep. I agree. >>>>> :sick:
  16. Saves plucking them. Chuck a couple 'o' tatties on they should be ready at the same time. >>>>> :sick:
  17. Here you go lads try these sites. http://www.crowbusters.com/recipes.htm http://bertc.com/subfive/recipes/threecrows.htm http://www.cooks.com/rec/search/0,1-0,crow,FF.html http://www.thecrowroost.com/RECIPES.htm Let me know,I might try some. >>>>> :sick:
  18. And Gary Glitter is support band! >>>>> :sick:
  19. This is one I remember from a kid,and still works now. The only time I've p1ss3d on my hands was when I was p1ss3d and didn't feel it much by then anyway. >>>>> :sick:
  20. Spot on mate. Getting to the point when you wonder if it's worth trying to take part in the forum. But if you look carefully you'll see it's the same ones nearly every time. Minority spoiling it for the majority again I'm afraid >>>>> :sick:
  21. Your yellow/green wire should be connected to the body of the lamp. Polarity on most PIR's is'nt usually a prob,nor tthe lamp itself. Wet your fingers and hold the ends of the feed cable you are using, see if you've got power to it. (Alternativly use a multimeter). Sounds to me like youve lost the supply to the lamps location Assuming youve checked fuse/trips,Did you wire it in yourself?,If not there might be a lightswitch size box nearby with a fuse holder and blown fuse. Track the wiring all the way back to make sure. If youve got power to the lamp then chuck it in the bin and buy a n
  22. Never tried 'em. But I bet there's a recipe or 2 on the net >>>>> :sick:
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