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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. Im looking to buy hazel or willow for hurdle making. Either bundles or unharvested. If anyone know anywhere from the midlands to scotland that can supply let me know. Cheers, Ian.
  2. Iv caught plenty on the L to L canal, never very big so use a really light rod to get the maximum sport. Round the mariners or any other features like weeds and bridges, any plugs or spinners will work. Try something with a rattle in as the water can be cloudy. I never catch much after heavy rain, I guess as the water is dirty with road and path water run off. Try slowly wobbling a dead bait in winter.
  3. Just try and put into words how you feel about your particular aspect of fieldsports and how you think he could represent you, it will mean more than some generic letter. Davids a good lad who has done abit of hunting.
  4. DIDO.1


    Does anyone else shoot this area. Iv been trying to get under the geese there but wasnt sure how far up towards the reserve I can go as there arnt any reserve marker posts or signs.
  5. DIDO.1

    Hunting ban

    The conservatives will be trying to lift the ban on all organised fieldsports including terrier work and courseing. Poaching was banned before and will continue to be banned after the conservatives get in again. But just as lagitamate badger diggers were unfortunatly and unreturnably linked to badger baiting nob heads so courseing is becomeing linked to poaching and yobs. This is the biggest threat to organised courseing returning to the UK.
  6. DIDO.1


    The crime is that it takes years of trying to removed failed asylum seekers, in that time their children get settled. Asylum seekers must stay in the first safe country they reach, not travel across the world looking for the best deal. Remove them the day they are turned down.
  7. Mate, I never said I support a ban on courseing in any way, as I said I loved courseing. My point was that courseing has to contend with the nob heads it attracts just as hunting with hounds has to contend with its uppr class image (I grew up/live on a council estate and have hunted with the best). I support all organised fieldsports on private lands but you hear a lot of lurcher/courseing lads say 'whose campaining on our behalf' when [bANNED TEXT] they were doing was illegal before the ban is illegal now and will be llegal after the repeal and there actions will make it harder for courseing
  8. A few have packed it in also. I can only think of 1, in scotland, but that was for reasons other than the ban and a new pack has formed and taken and increased the hunt country. Also 1 a militry pack has switched to drag hunting.
  9. Yes I agree. I loved (legal) courseing as much as hunting with hounds. Unfortunatly courseing not only has a corupt goverment to deal with but also all the scumbags it atracts, in the last year of legal courseing I saw a small club wiped out by poachers, lurchers slipped from the crowd onto courseing fields and 4x4s driven over growing crops. Dido.
  10. Just read in hounds magazine that there has been over 40,000 days hunting in the UK since the rediculous hunting ban in 2005. There has also been at least 2 new packs of hounds formed. Keep at it lads!!!!
  11. age colour dont like ginger but dont care [bANNED TEXT] thay look like just as long it do it job.............. Agree mate, dont care [bANNED TEXT] they look like long as they work. Mine works 8 nights a week but want rid of it as trying to breed smooth coats from now on. Im also looking to buy pigeons, terriers, fighting cocks and lurchers. Also have all of the above for sale.
  12. I cant wait for the cold There's been nothink to ground by me Bring on the FROST Dont see many good frosts these days, I always think cold wind and rain puts foxes to ground round here, means we have to do plenty of stopping tho keep em out!!
  13. Would you consider swapping for a courseing cat? will take hares single handed but wont tackle fox.
  14. Id guess its because they tend to hunt more as individuals, often hunting as a strung out line or even hunting totally alone in somecases, pre ban plenty of packs of fell hounds had hounds that were more than capable of hunting and catching a fox single handedly. Foxes are also counted individualy rather than in brace's with fell packs.
  15. Christ!!! 40 couple of hound must've been a site to see Not 40 couple, its hounds!!! Fell hounds are counted as individuals!!!!
  16. I love hunting at this time of year. I went down to wales on sat but it was so hot I got sun burn, surprizingly good scent tho. I missed hunting on Sunday when they had three packs out together, nearly hounds! Role on next week!!
  17. Remember animal rights is one of the biggest bussiness in the world. Its like the anti-fur stories about animals being skinned alive, iv skinned carcases for their skins and its difficult enough not to make holes (there-by making the skin worthless) when its dead it would be impossible if it was alive, but even high profile animal groups love these lies/stories as it keeps the money pouring in. There are some videos of dogs being used as bait but as real as they look they were false, either made by animal rights groups or by people winding the animal rights groups up, either way its anoth
  18. Yes mate, N and E Cornwall hunts. Depends where your staying as to wheres the nearest hunt. Cheers, D. Well we are hunting first with the north cornwall then down to dartmoor for half a week. Our lot come visiting every year but its the first time iv been down to see hounds. Should be a good week.
  19. Yes I saw the joke mate. But I will report you to the race relations commitee if you take the micky out of my cloth cap and whippet!!! lol
  20. yes to the latter. Have to say though, you will stick out like a sore thumb if thats a self portrait!!! Are you rasist against people from Lancashire??
  21. We will be coming down visiting next month, just wondering if any of their followers are on here?
  22. Difficult to tell scale from that mate, they arnt damsons, they may be wild/feral plums. Try one if its a plum it will taste like one! Iv got a bag load im going to stick some in with one bottle of sloe gin and try a bottle in gin on their own.
  23. Looked like a good bolt tho Cases like this cost the antis money so let em keep trying, keep pushing the law to the limit!
  24. Good news about the LACS case against the ullswater, thrown out of court striaght away, judge said no case to answer. http://www.lakelandradio.co.uk/goto.php?se...58&id=13386
  25. Courseing grounds sometimes have mounds with pipes in at the end of the running ground at allow an escape route in cover. It seems that certain areas have quarry that go to ground while in other areas its quite rare. I seen beagles mark to ground regually while in other areas packs its unheardof. Im not convinced its just the number of holes pipes available that cause this difference either.
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