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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. When we were growing up every class had an odd Joe raki in it. Those kids wanted to be like us, they dressed like us, they spoke like us. At primary school they even joined in the hymns at assembly. Now if you look at those same schools in places like Bolton, their is probably 1-2 white kids in each class. A lot of those paki kids will have parents that went to school with us....only the kids and grandkids of those originals no longer want to be like us. They speak with paki accents, they speak in foreign languages and they don't want to be like us anymore. Drive through Bolton now can the kid
  2. x.com X.COM Joe raki copper telling the Moslems to hide their weapons in the mosque!
  3. Some funny old pubs in Manchester. This one was a video shop with some pumps in the corner. Sat with a pint of st aspall cider watching keystone cops running battles up and down the street outside
  4. Do yanks actually find this stuff funny? I just don't get it
  5. Bit of fighting in Manchester, nothing serious. Police probably doing well, standing off most of the time and allowing protesters and lefties to mix and argue at the minute
  6. Anyone seen this video of the bloke eating himself in London He's foreign, the people around him all foreign. Britain is now twinned with the Congo
  7. We have gone up market a bit since our pie barm starter
  8. Pie barm. Also known as a 'wigan kebab'
  9. Is that you in the picture?
  10. Would you have a thl riot if I got shanked?
  11. Just caught two chimps smashing the trolley shelters on the local supermarket, I gave em a rollicking, they kept there distance a bit unsure but were egging each other to square up....lo and behold a copper walks round the corner past the car park.... suddenly the supermarket staff get brave and all run in over from their vantage point at the front doors.....I was quite relieved actually because you never know what the little fckers would do if they had a knife
  12. Just having dinner with a copper mate....he was guarding a migrant hotel in Manchester last night. 100 coppers around it, I said no wonder we can't get a call out for a burglar. Told him we will see him Saturday and if he had any thing about him he wouldn't turn in.
  13. Because it isn't full of foreigners?
  14. Riots would be so much more effective if every fcker wasn't holding a phone
  15. If this was Muslims or blacks it would be called "an outpouring of community tension and grief". When British people do it then it's far right thugs. So many have died in vain. Let's hope this is the beginning of something. Everyone do your bit, even if it's just emailing your MP, attending one protest or donating to a patriotic group
  16. Liverpool protest Saturday
  17. The ordinary rank and file aren't....yet each of them know they would be thrown under a bus for the sake of diversity. Surely they can do something.... even if it's refusing all overtime while there colleagues are suspended, or until government stops allowing millions of un documented scum in.
  18. I think that! Police and armed forces need to speak up.
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