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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. Or that could be the start of a much needed revolution and rebalancing.... I can't wait. I'm going to be well naffed off if Scotty was talking shite and it doesn't happen and I've invested in 10,000 tins of food for nothing.
  2. Going to have a cast off Blackpool pier with this bad boy, see if there's any tuna about
  3. Growth growth growth. More building, more expansion, more jobs, more immigration, growth growth growth. Trade at any price. If you don't play the game and stick to the plan then you will suffer
  4. Totally agree. And 'the markets' have now become the tail that wags the dog. A totally faceless and unaccountable power that can set agendas. Look at Liz Truss's budget....the markets didn't like it, we all suffer... leading to a new prime minister that continues with the same system and agenda as before. Should a truly new party start seriously winning just watch how the 'markets' react, pushing us towards a return to the WEF agreed system
  5. I've done about 70. Good job really because I'm so far behind with my contract work.
  6. One a cast these nice perch
  7. Yeah It's a mates tent....I'm more used to hotels
  8. No I'm not into all that bush craft eating rubbish....I'm on Thatcher's and burgers
  9. Swallows and Amazons weekend
  10. That's it! Or you and your mates do so much rioting that it forces change
  11. Nobody has done. Labour shut a number of teaching hospitals. It's not just a matter of funding, it's how that funding is spent. The bigger the company the bigger it's spending power the better value for money it should be getting. Unfortunately in this country the bigger the organisation the more they waste money. No party will change this. Of course we need to retain doctors and nurses....so remove tuition fees for medical degrees and improve conditions. Let's be honest this is never going to happen under any politician. They would rather spunk a few million on a new diversity ini
  12. Politicians and immigrant apologists telling us how lucky we are that we have all these foreigners working in the NHS!! Every politician should be looking at their feet and wringing their hands in absolute shame and embarrassment that they have got us in to a situation that we need people from the 3rd world to look after our most sick and vulnerable. Nobody can ever defend taking health care professionals away from developing countries. One of the most sad and disgusting situations we have ever found ourselves in and still the apologists try to spin it as something positive!
  13. I've said before if you want to come to the fells let me know and I'll line 2-3 good meets up or find you a good pub for a hunting stag do You have always sorted meet details for me, so jump in the car anytime and come up for a day or two. If you are on your own you can get on our couch for the night
  14. I've no contacts out their but if you are only going with lads then count me in I'll definitely come.... The quantocks used to visit quite a bit so they might be a good start. I'll be coursing and hunting in Ireland this year if that's any interest to you
  15. I think Woolworths do them....next to the pick and mix
  16. Another stabbing in Manchester last night
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