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DIDO.1 last won the day on December 26 2024

DIDO.1 had the most liked content!

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22,846 Excellent

About DIDO.1

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Standard behaviour from a lot of shooters, they aren't sports men, just shooters....there is a massive difference between the two. I had a cracking pond on some moorland and a couple of local lads asked if they could buy a flight, I said no as I genuinely wasn't allowed to take guests on for various reasons linked to landowners and tennants, I was lucky to be on there myself. Anyway the two lads went up regularly training their dogs at last light on the edge of the pond to put the ducks off. I've known loads of instances like that.
  2. Taste similar to barn owl
  3. DIDO.1


    Can't be any worse at at least it's hurting the two party system
  4. The wife's office for the day. Taking the border to visit the old people round the village
  5. In Manchester this morning, thought it would be busy with all the sales on so I set off early....here an hour and a half early! There's only me in Manchester
  6. New cartridge bag and some new checked shirts.
  7. Need a bit of veg on there pal....you will get scurvy if your not careful
  8. Among all the commercialism and feasting, let's take a moment to remember god's messenger to earth who came to save us all
  9. DIDO.1

    Pet hates.

    I bet it was Greb.... running red lights trying to get his bin back
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