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hugh janus

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Everything posted by hugh janus

  1. plumbase or travis perkins. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/60MM-x-25MTR-PERFORATED-LAND-DRAIN-COIL_W0QQitemZ260585502726QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&rvr_id=&cguid=e97660231280a0e203318a51ffd413c7#ht_700wt_911
  2. hugh janus


    Gents, I'm writing this to ask the experienced and not so experienced members on this forum page two questions they are: (1) Can you recommend a falconry/BOP training course in and around the South East of England, particularly around Kent?.. I have always looked in on this forum and love reading and watching the pictures and video links attached. I shoot and have done since i was under ten years old. As i get older my thrill for shooting has wained and made way for hunting with dogs, ferrets and nets. I'm particularly interested in seeing if falconry would suit my temperament and
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBKl1V9b7pc&feature=related Quality music.................................................................................
  4. Lovely looking box. Nice touches with the brass corner pieces to protect. The weasels should be pleased with transport like that. Its like a stretched limousine of the ferret world....
  5. get onto the ferret forum and some people might need some on there for their weasels....
  6. Regular sessions down the gym with isolation sets and fifteen rounds on the punch bag. About 1000 sit ups a day. Will try and throw in a bit of mountain bike riding. Here he is not looking to bad for a youngster............ http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/07_01/whippetDM1207_468x669.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-467985/Meet-Incredible-Hulk-Hounds.html&h=669&w=468&sz=61&tbnid=ynaAWZ_-q25_vM:&tbnh=269&tbnw=188&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwhippet&usg=__SFoLRfygt9NWC6NrpImbURI9ago=&ei=eZbhS7G
  7. Not shit stirring but he's right. look at this link............. http://www.dogsandpuppies.co.uk/pets-dogs-jackrussell/region-w-uk-south-east-kent-cranbrook/BeautifulBabyGirlJackRussell-8494833.html
  8. Good lad. Always listen to the old man and take his advice when ever you can. If you sat down and spoke with him he may have a good reason and he wouldn't be doing this to piss you off. You got to be careful these days me old mate, there are people out there who will not respect the boundaries of doing a good and may get on the land when you aren't about. Also we all shoot and hunt on land with the trust and respect of the landowner. As this bloke is an unknown quantity to you and the old man, if he messes up and shoots something he shouldn't,causes damage or is just a general pain in the
  9. A hancock rescue lurcher we own, been ruined by some unscrupulous twat and wont go near a road or on a lead. He is the house dog and looks after things at home so cant comment on working ability for him. My bedlington whippet x bearded collie greyhound. Fantastic dog, best i have ever owned obedient loyal and friendly with kids. Runs hard and fast and courageous. Takes rabbits from cover and runs them right into the hole. Really pleased with him. This was taken when he was just over a year old and he is now 18 months. Takes fur and feather.
  10. http://www.bookdepos...g&search=search Fantastic book and well worth a read. And i think this is the cheapest you will get. I got it from them and it took three or four days but at nearly half the price of others delivered i could wait those couple of days. Plus it was over the bank holiday long weekend so not bad at all. I'm new to longnetting as well and as the book will tell you take your time and practice and get the net sorted before you go out it will be alot easier. As for getting out and about I think order a quick set net system and get the book at the same time and read and t
  11. Could try buying a cheap cat collar, one of the elastic ones and get him used to wearing that around the place and then put the finder on him every now and then.
  12. http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/search?searchTerm=peg+to+peg&search=search Fantastic book and well worth a read. And i think this is the cheapest you will get. I got it from them and it took three or four days but at nearly half the price of others delivered i could wait those couple of days. Plus it was over the bank holiday long weekend so not bad at all. I'm new to longnetting as well and as the book will tell you take your time and practice and get the net sorted before you go out it will be alot easier. Good luck
  13. saw one in snargate Kent on bank holiday Easter monday 5th April. Only a single flying around.
  14. how about removing the bearings from car wheel bearing cases. They are a little bit smaller but cheap if you can get some from a scrap yard. take a look at the link so you know what you have to look out for.
  15. I used to live Easton near to weston-super-mare and i used to run my dogs on hares on the moor land. There was always plenty around there about 13 years ago. not sure about now but it was wonderful ground. The ditches were never that wide so the dog could jump and keep up the pursuit.
  16. In this time of economic crisis you would have thought that every sale counted. This geezer sounds like a top drawer fister and naming and shaming this twat is the best thing you could do. :clapper:
  17. Yes give this man a call he lives near Ashford area and i have spoken to him recently and he has several ready in a couple of weeks and more for later. His name is russell, He also advertises in the free-ads. 07737216242.
  18. I read in one of jackie drakefords books. Ticks breath through their arses and if you put a small amount of vaseline or correction fluid (Ti-pex)on the tick, it will loosen its grip after and short while and can be pulled of with a pair of small metal tweezers. This may sound like a load of old B******s may be abit cheaper than other medicines from vets and pet shops. She also said about using some old aftershave and the alcohol in the lotion will make the tick back out immediatly. Mind you some of that old spice and high karate is enough to make anything sod off sharpish. Worth a try
  19. He was a train robber, a long time ago, he's an old man now. was on the run for ages. I'm sure there will be a film about it one day (if it hasn't already been done). the films called buster if im correct and i think he should be freed oh yeah, I remember the film with Phil Collins. Well done mate. You have to remember thease men got 30 year for robbery .Why because the goverment had to show that no one could steal from the crown and get away with it.they were scape goats.Most people get about 10 year for murder.I will say it again the goverment in this country ar
  20. As above if you have a firearms certificate a shotgun licence shouldn't be a problem, as you have permission to shoot on land at this time, that will help. However you may need to speak with farmer/gamekeeper, only out of courtesy to see if he or she has any restrictions on noise from using a shotgun. ie houses nearby or pheasant pens close. I would recommend you get down to a shooting clay pigeon ground to get the practice of using this weapon. I would recommend a semi automatic 20 bore, you get the best of both worlds. It will be cheaper to feed when shooting moving rabbits than trying t
  21. ROB THE RICH RICH TO FEED THE POOR.thats all he woz doin Lets not forget the above............ This man was doing his job when he was attacked. He died in 1970 from leaukamia but suffered severe brain damage i think they call it attempted murder. As for robbing the rich to feed the poor. You could say that about people who steal dogs from members of this site which are often posted and referred to as as scum and low life's these thieves only sell them on and make a bit of profit for themselves and feed they're poor hungry families............... There is no morals for stealing. I co
  22. Another problem with a .22 is ricochet off the ground. Trying to hit a moving target with a single round is difficult and some would say potentially dangerous given the distances that theses weapons have for range. A shotgun is probably a more suited weapon for the type of shooting you have described. Like they say you wouldn't wear a pair of rugby boots to play table tennis.
  23. What the F**K is a Champagne ferret. Must be posh Sounds well worth £30.
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