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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Well done guys, good day good pictures may you have more days like this i'm starting soon can't wait. All the best Wingnut
  2. A good one i have used before now is pine cones soaked in either cresote or diesel they are easy to roll down bury entrances and no one will spot them,
  3. some fine fit looking dogs you got there mate a credit to you.
  4. Thanks for the feedback hopefully someone starts one up soon, would love to rea it or even feature in it, you are right there is some good articles on the site so probably best and easier if just post and read on here. Look forward to some ferreting articles soon ill certainly put one up when i start few weeks time. Thanks again and happy hunting .
  5. Hi to all, just a quick query really i know there is a magazine related to Lurcher dogs and Earthdogs and occassionally abit of ferreting in it ( The Earth Dog running Dog), which i get but i was wondering really if there was one just on strictly working ferrets as this is my real passion and i'm really eager to start round my end just a few to many little ones still about at the moment. Any feedback would be appreciated if there is a working ferret magazine out there ill certainly subscribe to it. Many thanks and happy hunting.
  6. I just become a dad my little lad is only 1 week old can't wait till he old enough to join me ferreting and get him kitted out and get the love for it i have got.
  7. Nice Fish The best place i have flyfished at is Lechlade long drive but well worth it lots of doubles there and great fighting fish.
  8. i know was bit disappointed with the fight would of liked to of seen if go further even the amir khan fight was over to quick.
  9. Full time greenkeeper and a local golf course and odd bits of contract work on other courses.
  10. What a dig, glad the terrier ok though :thumbs-up:
  11. :welcomeani: mate look forward to seeing pictures of you dogs and ferrets, all the best and welcome to the site.
  12. Nice dog you got there mate and nice pics
  13. happy birthday 2 you all have a great day :alcoholic: :drunk:
  14. great pics mate good bitch you got there :thumbs-up:
  15. Great read mate and cracking pictures mate and a great day for you to by the sounds of it keep it up mate alll the best. :thumbs-up:
  16. What type wormer you use on you pups mate if don't mind me asking,
  17. The lads were i work nick named me wingnut because i have bigish ears compared to them and they said i look like a wingnut. :11: My real name is Paul .
  18. i'm a greenkeeper on a golf course and golfers still mouth me when i ferreting, mole cathcing etc but i just tell them to have a word with me head greenkeeper and if they don't like it he kicks them off. But obviously you guys are not in the position to do that .
  19. Well done mate good bag you got there :thumbs-up:
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