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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. i got some of that down the yard to never thought of that will bare that in mind next time to be honest i thought the bat would of dealt with him, thanks hound
  2. Well i went to work today and me boss had asked me if i could check the store room as two of the lads said they saw a huge rat living under the pallet by the seed, so after i had completed my morning task mowing the greens etc, i went in the store room and barraded of the store room so no escape just me and the rat, i could smell rat urine and see plenty of droppings, so i got a cricket bat armed and started moving boxes then i saw a tail slide under a box slowly i knew were he was and braced me self and moved the box this thing was huge bloody run out i hit it hard a few times broke the bat a
  3. Caught another one today but it was only about 15yards from were the last one got caught the other day, i thought they were solitary didnt realise they would be so close but he was another one down, set some more today so will see what tomorrow brings.
  4. Hi i'm no expert and people on here can correct me as i dont really use cage traps for rabbits but what i have been told about these traps is to put them on a run were the rabbits are regulary stationary grazing and were a large pile of the rabbit droppings can be seen and also putting two cages back to back so the rabbit either way it runs on its usual run enters your trap, and also i was told if the one cage catches swap it with the cage that is on the back of it as the rabbit is likely to have urinated and faeced whilst in the cage and other rabbits will think this is normal and then end u
  5. Ok thanks trappa, best of luck with your traps
  6. Thanks for that tip Steve, i dont seem to be as consistant catching moles with the duffus type trap i'm much more successful with the talpex and talpa, but i will definately try your tip, thanks everyone for there advice
  7. wingnut


    Hi just a query really to see if anyone can suggest any good books/dvds on mole trapping, thanks wingnut.
  8. thats an idea with the sod and sheep marker come to think of it i could use some of our line marker just a little blob would be suffice thanks, have you had any luck with them traps from trapline, i trying to get my mrs to buy me some for xmas.
  9. Set some more traps yesterday afternoon after discovered another mole had started to work near one of our tees, so set me talpex traps again and was eager to see this morning the result, upon checking my traps i could see one had been set off i pulled it from the ground for the mole to be still alive and the trap had just pinched it on the nose must of set it to lightly but, i humanely dispatched it with my little priest i take just encase. Below is the picture of the mole, my course manager is really happy i'm keeping in touch with the mole population as am i. I have just got a few question
  10. Nice mole mate, and nice website you have got i like your traps, and video footage, is there dealers in the uk selling your type of trap or are you one of the only suppliers, thanks happy trapping.
  11. Having mixed success at catching moles on the golf clourse were i work despite the useful help from many people on this site, i decided that i would purchase some of the talpex traps from the game fair, and have been dying to see some moles show presnce at work so i could try them out. Well yesterday i spotted some fresh mole hills in front of the 18th tee so i thought now was me chance to have a go with some of me new traps but also taking into account what i have seen help wise on some of the old posts on this topic. i set two traps and waited for the morning upon arrival this morning i was
  12. i was going to say no way they are 7lb plus then i saw them hanging and changed my mind they dont look that size in the bottom of the boat but they do when hanging up is it a heavily stocked water mate coz thier tails are all like thier fresh stockies or in a heavilystocked water,,,all the same nice fish and werth the trip well done nut Hi sorry late reply back to your question, yer think your right photo does not do them no justice really but i can guarantee you that they were the weights stated above and the average stock size is about 7 lb, the fishery is stocked daily yes, but th
  13. Below are some trout from a recent fishing trip to Lechlade Trout Fisheries, the weather was not the best half the lake was frozen but good sport none the less well worth the 110 mile drive, they weighed in at 8lb 2oz, 7lb 5 oz, 7lb 4 oz and 6lb 9 oz my mate caught a 10lb 2oz, i caught these fish on a hot head nymph, flexi leg daddie with a gold head and a hybrid buzzer.
  14. Loynton guineas work everywhere i have ever been.
  15. No i have never fished at Dearnford the only places that i really go are Ellerdine, i've been to Loynton a few times and Lechlade plenty times there is plenty lakes round my area ill have to try and fish a few more of them .
  16. I decided to take a day off work from the golf course, and head of for some fly fishing at one of my local waters Ellerdine with me mate, the day was perfect really nice beautiful conditions but from talking to fishery owner Gary he said that the fishing had been a affected due to the dramtic up and downs in the temperature, but people still catching well, so i paid for me two fish ticket and set of to have a good days sport, upon getting to the pool i was going to fish ( Cranymoor) i could see lots of fry swimming about with the occasional big trout soon following i thought great , so i tried
  17. Well i thought i would take a day off work and get some ferretting in i had been out the weekend with my dog and marked a few nice burys which i planned to do today, upon arrival at the first new bury i was shocked to see that someone had dug three times at the bury in different places but not backfilled properly , and upon looking at the next bury i had in store i could see holes were the pegs had been and then on the next bury i found a ferret collar and some insulation tape, i could not believe it, there is only myself and my grandad who have permission on these few fields, ill be gettin in
  18. Yes thanks the fly i talking about is the one you describe as the skagit minnow thank you very much for your reply i will get looking thanks alot Hi Mate, look here http://www.pacificflyfishers.com/Catalog/P...nnowBluPrpl.htm Thanks not had much success really below is a picture of th flie type i'm after just as a brief example, i asked a local fly tier if he can get hold of any he wont sell them because he said a lot of customers would not be happy as the flies shrink due to the rabbit hair so dont last that long which i though was fair comment but styill tryin to get hold some
  19. Yes thanks the fly i talking about is the one you describe as the skagit minnow thank you very much for your reply i will get looking thanks alot
  20. Hi just a query as to weather any one on the site knows were i can buy some of these leech flies the one with the hook in the tail, i was fly fishing the other day and a bloke caught all his fish on one of these flies, i have seen them before but no of no were to get one or two. Any information would be greatly appreciated
  21. Thanks for your replys very helpful ill put some pics of my fishing trips when i go hopefully this weekend or next thanks again wingnut
  22. Hi i was just wondering if anyone out there can give me a bit of advice i have been fly fishing for a while now, and use a team of flies regulary but i was just wondering if anyone can show me with pics preferably how to attach droppers to the leader i have a method i use but seem to loose some some times, is there a good way anyone knows of which works well any advice or pics would be appreciated thanks.
  23. Nice looking dogs mate, i want a whippet to assist me when i go ferreting, all the best happy hunting.
  24. Excellent mate, great pictures, would love to ferret somewhere like that, looks like you dog enjoyed herself, all the best hope you have more good days like that.Wingnut
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