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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Did you find them as good as the shop bought ones Chalkwarren? If they are I'm sure all the golf clubs up and down the country might start missing a few i hope you not near my golf course then haha
  2. i know what i will be doing at work monday then, converting some our old flag poles into my new longnet poles, never even thought of them, and i work with them everyday on the course.
  3. i backing, west end rocker, ballabriggs, seabass and done two horses for me kids Neptune collonges because the owner lives by me and According to pete
  4. sometimes it just happens, changing the type of trap can help and has worked for me in the past, but also make sure the run is smoothed properly, have you tuned the traps up to your liking. Also make sure no light getting through.
  5. i paid £30 pound for my jab
  6. perseverence sometimes pays off mate, i have had a few that refused to work, and in the end turned out a bloody good worker, what i used to do was put it on a line and when was out walking just drop them into holes that were used by the rabbits on the railway banks perferably picking the two/three holers, that looked occupied near enough putting the ferret straight onto the rabbit in these small run throughs, and most the time these rabbits bolted quickly, and perhaps it was just luck but the ferret seemed to bolt a few, through it self or just the fact it was just run throughs and the presenc
  7. Hope i still out ferretting at that age, it is definetly in our blood your either a hunter or not, fair play to him still doing what he loves
  8. wonders if anyone on here is from the telford area or near to going to be breeding some working ferret kits this year, i looking for a hob kit this year

  9. i have always super glued my baits on i.e chocolate, dont know if anyone else does this or not because had alot bait pinched, but after the glue never seemed to fail so it worked for me. i have alot of success with peanut butter to.
  10. just showed my partner how to skin some rabbits which i caught off a pest control job last night , fairplay she picked it up well and done them all for me well happy.

    1. StevoSmith


      lmao fair play mate

    2. rob190364


      winston is always quick to pick things up!


  11. just showed my partner how to skin some rabbits which i caught off a pest control job last night , fairplay she picked it up well and done them all for me well happy.

  12. i want mine for a long net but hope mine doesnt get tangled thanks mate and good luck finishing your trap
  13. thanks will look forward to the updates were did you get the fibreglass pole from i looking for some myself
  14. use glue traps or temo tack, or possibly some live catchers
  15. Looks good mate i planning on building one this year for a place i know alot of rabbits are using, whose design did you follow or did you do it off you own, i have got the plans of fourteen acre just got find the time to make it, hope it serves you well when its finished. all the best
  16. Hello, i returned home from work the other day as usual to pick up the kids from the mother-in laws and when i got there one of her friends is there, with a problem she thought she would come and see me as she knows i into country stuff and can deal with pests i.e rabbits, moles, rats mice etc, she said she has got a badger in her garden and it has been around for about two weeks she has rang the RSPCA, Badger Watch even asked a police man with no one offering much help or even turning up and this pensioner is frightened to loose her dog in garden and unhappy with the badger digging up her bor
  17. had me jill jabbed today vet said it was her first could see that had to stick needle in three times i was not to amused then she said needle was blocked, my ferret behaved though glad she done now though, just got keep my eye out for a new hob kit this year now.

  18. taking my jill for her jab tomorrow

  19. Well done i know how i felt after my first double, all the best wingnut
  20. I prefer the talpex, i feel personally that they have got more power compared to the talpa traps that i have got or perhaps my talpa are not genuine but copys, but i except the fact they are easier to set but in my experience lack the killing power of the talpex, i have caught in tapla traps but i prefer talpex or trapline traps for my mole control.
  21. How much did you pay at vets out of interest please, i'm taking mine in saturdaay been quoted £31 quid
  22. Thanks everyone, looking to get a new kit this season train it up alongside my jill, the rabbits wont be smiling for long, all the best everyone thanks again
  23. Worse was he was vasectomized so couldnt even carry his great working traits on, but his vasectomany did come in handy aswell, its not the first ferret i have lost but i really hate to see good workers die.
  24. is gutted my good old hob died today

    1. shaunpauls7


      Unlucky bud.Lost a good hob just before the new year.


    2. lunita
    3. steady eddy
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