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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. I am after an albino jill mate and i live in telford i will PM you mate.
  2. I agree i would of got two kits (hob and Jill) of the same bloke but didnt want them related, i have an older jill and once he is vasectomized they will all live in a big court together mate, i just trying to find a jill kit to join him at moment.
  3. Thanks everyone appreciate the comments, i think i will up the latches and get some padlocks. Yes the toy on top was a soft toy its my 2 year old daughters, she carries it round all day until i come home from work and let her play with real thing haha, my mrs doesnt trust them too much, and worried encase it escapes. Thanks again everyone, i really satsified with how it turned out.
  4. Hi here is some pictures of a new hutch i built for my new young hob kit, as i couldnt put him with my old jill until i feel he is bit maturer and had his vasectomy, but will probably keep him in this hutch now, with a young jill kit when i can find one i looking for. Anyway here are some pictures of the hutch i made from some odd pieces of wood which were lying around my greenkeeping yard, only expenses i had really were screws, and latches, everything else i had or obtained. I think i did pretty good job, just going to paint it now, i was going to paint interior with some white give it a fre
  5. Hi i am looking for a jill kit from working stock prefably albino, willin to pay, and i'm based in telford area. Thanks Wingnut
  6. The vets were i live have said i can have my hob kit vasectomized at 6 months old.
  7. got my new hob kit today, just getting him settled in really happy and cant wait for future seasons rabbiting with him

  8. its my birthday yay !

    1. Bosun11


      Many happy returns!





  9. Desperately looking for a new hob kit, is anyone from the telford area on here

    1. jonah.


      theres some in the for sale section - livestock - ready end of july

  10. I would be interested in that to, will have to keep a look out for the recipe cant beat a bit of port and guinness
  11. http://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/wingnut3235c/DSCF0260.jpg http://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/wingnut3235c/DSCF0262.jpg http://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/ii585/wingnut3235c/DSCF0259.jpg
  12. I have sharpened my golf flag poles, and give them a lick of paint so they dont stand out so much but left the end poles with a white tip.(i am having trouble posting pictures for some reason keeps sending me back to home page but will keep trying to show the end product)
  13. had a cracking night out at fight night 2 last night some good cage fighting cant wait for next one

  14. thanks everyone for there replies, will update how i get on with it later, looking for a dry day to be able run it out and set it all up,
  15. Hello i have got a hundred yard net, poles and grommets, but wondering what baggage some you more experienced people reckon on here, and also how would i set the correct baggage, basically i trying convert a traditional net into a quickset, i gather to set the poles every 5yards for example but how much of the net do i bring back to set the baggage.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. cant wait for a hob kit to come up, round my area and see if he can replace my old soldier, and join my team.

  17. thanks that what think i will do put the angle grinder in vice and sharpen poles that way, looking forward to getting them done, just wondereing how to set the right baggage(50% or 100%) on my 100yard net now?
  18. pro trapper sells them or some on ebay mate or direct from Steve Albano himself, i have got some off Steve Albano, a brilliant little trap but needs to be set in twos for success which really is the only little thing i could find wrong with the trap were you would only need one duffus, they are excellent little traps though when set correctly caught me loads of moles.
  19. i brought mine from liam and sarah brinded and was well happy with my long net .www.rabbitnetsandaccessories.co.uk
  20. How did you get on with pointing the ends, i am going to attempt it with an angle grinder with flag pole in vice to stop the fibre glass splitting hopefully, but be interested to hear what everyone else doing or done. Just going to have to find some grommets, or possibly use some cut up bicycle tube as some say on here can be used, or wait for the bloke i use for machinery spares see if got any big thick o rings.
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