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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. Here you are Malc a few pictures of the jill kit you gave me (Ruby) she doin brilliant and one of the Hob kit i got, cant wait to get her out, i will pop up to see you as soon as i can work out a time when i'm off and my mrs not workin so i can have the car.
  2. Great write ups and some cracking photos, i agree with northern lad the CW needs more of this or perhaps a magazine just strictly on ferreting expeditions. Them rabbits in the drainage system looked a good laugh, brilliant ferrets to stand ground with them. Look forward to more of your posts, be glad when i can put one my own posts up lol
  3. Another brilliant post, really good pictures looks like another really lovely day out again in a beautiful setting, i have never been to cornwall before but i am going this friday on holiday with the kids and mrs and judging from the pictures it looks a beautiful place. Some great looking dogs too and all the best and will look forward to another of your posts.
  4. Well done lads and some nice lookin dogs you got there
  5. Really enjoyed that great photos, mate all the best with rest season
  6. Yer my old hob used to look like a rat doing these months but before you know it grows back and back to normal.
  7. Is hoping to go to the Cheshire game fair tommorrow never been to this event hope its going to be good

  8. My main job is i'm a first assistant greenkeeper at a golf course soon to be head or deputy, i only do a bit of pest control ( moles, rabbits, mice, rats, pigeon, etc) on the side mainly through word of mouth, i was considering being a pest control technician, but was not sure i could get enough work to do it full time to be able to support my family, but is is something i really enjoy doing and there is a lot of skill involved in pest control.
  9. Me to i will keep taking him with me, cant wait to start ferretting with him and my daughter she loves gettin involved, but my mrs keeps telling me she wanted a girl to take her shopping i laugh, she will be a hunter too. Cover still high around my area and still seeing baby rabbits. Hopefully my lad will learn how to catch few moles and make him self a bit pocket money when he older
  10. It was one of the three i caught that day but no doubles, i have more success with talpex and trapline than i do with me duffus. I will definetly keep him at it, its so nice to see him gettin involved he even helped me skin a rabbit a while back. he loves carrying my probe and a little bag which i let him but a few traps in, oh and my work hat which he claims is magic because when he puts it on the traps he pulls out have caught moles haha
  11. Heres my four year old son helping me with a bit of pest control at one of the local churches i control at.
  12. Yes i want my kids to grow up doing things i did and grow up to love country sports, i dont think there any better feeling and something some folk just dont understand. But i will show them nothing to be ashamed of its in my blood so certainly be in theres i hope they grow up to be great little hunters i cant wait for the day when i can watch my son and daughter ferretting on there own with myself just to be able to enjoy it. My four year old son skinned his first rabbit a few months back ( i say skinned he tried he give it a blooody good pull) i will have see if i can find the pictures. My d
  13. looking to purchase some news pun purse nets for the season anyone know who best to get some off, or any tiers on here

    1. blackmaggie


      try netrigger on here

    2. charlie nelly1

      charlie nelly1

      try andykelly one here mate, top class nets

  14. Anyone got any tips for keeping flies away from my ferret pen, i only feed meat at night and they are cleaned out morning and night

    1. The one

      The one

      A sterling fly bag each side of the hutch

    2. B.P.R


      I've got a net curtain over the front if mine

    3. wingnut


      thanks everyone

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. Hi mate, here is just a few pics for you, of the kit i had off you my 2year old daughter been doing abit of training with Ruby today well got involved when i was lettin her have a frolic in the garden. Also a picture of my hob kit with the oil trick you told me about mate. Hope you well mate, she is handling like a dream mate, just proves my constant handling working. I'm really happy with her Malc cheers.
  16. I will ask about for the hobs for you mate, thats why i came up asap because i didnt want you think i was going mess you about.
  17. Cheers malc will do. Yer my hob is 13 weeks to my record from when i brought him of the bloke, he was one medium sized ones out the litter to, i didnt realise how much he grown till i compared him to Ruby. They are gettin on like a house on fire now, catch em sleeping and snuggling together on there hamock lol. Lets hope they turn out to be crackers
  18. I have got my kit a mate now of Malc of here very nice kit, i have also made the modifications suggested to me with the hutch much more safer now wont be able to push doors open, just a lick of paint and it will be finished.
  19. Everybody loves Murph. You won't meet many nicer people than Malc and Lee. To right they were lovely people and it was nice to meet someone of here face to face
  20. Cheers Malc i would love to come out with you one night, your more than welcome to come help me some time, but i bet you and you friends got more land than me haha, the ferrets are settling down nicely, just think my hob kit was over excited he got company again haha, Thanks Ideation and Johnny boy 68. Here is some pictures Malc of Ruby and my Hob Kit Simba
  21. Thank you Malc you are top bloke and both you and your wife made us very welcome thankyou, i have called her Ruby, to keep in with the lettering of the litter of the other hope the jill you kept Rita turns into a good one to. It was really nice to meet someone of the hunting life in person and i will look forward to keeping in touch with you, about the progress of the kit and potential days out thanks again. My mrs loved your lurcher Murph wanted to take him home . Happy Hunting mate and all the best
  22. looks great malc, much appreciated will see you soon mate cheers again
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