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Everything posted by wingnut

  1. He was an amazing bloke to watch always made me laugh, and real shame for his family.
  2. Cracking video footage BF well done good days sport.
  3. My apologies sorry didn't check date thought it was new thread.
  4. Like most people have said easiest way is to keep quiet and don't say anything but also don't get caught !
  5. :welcomeani: As long as he does the job for you no probs. Nice looking dog.
  6. Nice looking dog you got there.
  7. I would do it the way Rabbithunter siad thats the way i do them chin them it easiest and quickest way i think from experience, if not a swift chop does the job my little sister has not problem so you should be fine. Good luck
  8. Great read cracking photos looks like dogs had a great time to.
  9. Cracking looking dog all the best in winter with him
  10. Thank you so much Ditch_shitter i was saying thanks before for your time and effort helping and this advice will be used thank you for taking the time to help me i will let you know of the results, we have our fair share of rats in the ditchs and wood areas and near the yard but me terriers deal with them ha ha and crows and magpies there are loads decoying them early in the morn before the golfers come out is fun, there is one thing i have tried with the crows and magpies before golfers are about .I don;t play golf much prefer hunting ha ha but i noticed whilst working how close golfers can g
  11. Look like fallow prints mate but might be wrong
  12. Thanks Ditch_Shitter sorry late reply getting back to you thank you for your help this guy does avideo mate...wayne@molecatcher1.wanadoo.co.uk...it will teach you the basic's,teaches you how to ajust traps...best runs to trap etc..helped me..as for the traps,i think you will probably have more success with the duffes...i find when you get the hang of it..you do catch quit a lot of double catches with the duffus trap,the pincers just dont seem to be quick enough for me..good luck..a trapper Nice pics
  13. I whip in for a hunt man so they not mine but he has got 15 a the moment and they are a mixed bunch they are mainly welsh but also there is some english and fell there.
  14. Relax, man. I'm sure many of us can feed you all the tips and advice you'll need to get the hang of trapping the buggers. But first of all, can you please just verifie what you mean by " Tunnel Traps "? Do ye mean the galvanised ones, like a small piece of upside down guttering. Spring powered, wire loop at each end? Or do you mean the ones like a pair of tongs, with a metal bit with a hole through the middle hanging between the jaws? Hi guys sorry for late reply just got back from work the ones i mean are the galvanised ones, like a small piece of upside down guttering. Spring
  15. All the best with catching the fox though i have known hedgehogs to eat eggs to if they can get hold of them.
  16. Very clever it was freaky
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