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Marsh Lad

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Everything posted by Marsh Lad

  1. Does anyone else get "sore" fingers/hands after using lug worm? For a few years now my hands and especially my fingers seem to swell up and tingle for a day or so after digging and fishing with them. Is it just me?
  2. Shes a nice bicth,with a good temprement but is just a little strong for what the lad wanted. Hope the messers don't plague you too much. Should give someone plenty of fun.
  3. Went to the seaside for these yesterday. Most were bucks sat alone in small setts, luckily unlike last week. Could do with a couple more trips for my pups education. 42 would have me singing and dancing!
  4. nice looking pups, their shaping up nicely.
  5. To avoid over feeding i skip a day a week,or just drop an egg or two in with them this keeps mine sharp.
  6. My collie x pups first day out this morning. She worked hard at it for over 4 hours, rabbits were very thin on the ground. Mixy has hit "my fells". She has a decent enough mark and is quite a steady bitch for her age. I only got 6 to bolt, 4 coming home with me. Not bad considering the monkeys were also virgins.
  7. It cetainly is an awkward one. I think I would put all my efforts in getting your bitch back. You alone know all the time and effort you have put into her. Getting her just how you wanted her. Starting again will take some doing, so this season will be a none starter. Some F*CKING WANKERS need knee capping. Hopefully she will turn up and you can. with a bit of luck pick up where you left off. Good Luck
  8. Nice to hear someones rekindled their ferreting intrest,hope you have good sport this season.
  9. thats my type of bitch ,how old is she?
  10. Should make a decent animal. Who bred your pup?
  11. Cracking pups. They l ook really well. Good luck finding decent working homes. Hope you don't get too many messers!
  12. Took this shot this morning,these two tawnys sat in my garden,it was only the crys of the black birds that gave them away Am I right in thinking that the bird on the right is the cock bird?
  13. Just let them get on with it, the monkeys won't care much about your pup. As watchman said a firm no should be enough.
  14. Strong animal there pal,should have a great engine on him. Hope he makes the grade.
  15. My old bitch had her first toe ,on her front right foot amputated back to the first digit.this is like having the toenail bed taken out,so the dog still has a pad. She had this done when she was about 3 years old. Her turning ability wasn't really affected, but if she is run hard on hard ground she is still a touch lame the day later. I used Gilbert's at Keswick he really knows his stuff and is reasonably priced too! Best of luck because there is nothing worse than a lame running dog!
  16. An old greyhound man told me, just pick the one that no one else wants.
  17. Rocky was a proper working dog,a real superstar. Here is one of his daughters,Dicky Daz's Roxy(bottom of pic) with my old bitch,mother to Roxy.
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