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About benelli_boy

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  1. IMO, and to protect our image as hunters, I would just not say a word about it, I know it is hard and we all love talking about hunting and shooting but just keep it to your self in public, talk about around your hunting friends. This what I do. The future of hunting depends on it and in some cases and if you people that want to listen, you maybe able to educate non hunters about the importance of hunting, if their not willing to listen or you know their anti hunting then just leave them alone. My 2 cents
  2. Hi all, I'm new to hunting and shooting and since I'm new, I will be chalked full of questions, Anyway, what's your opinions on the two brands [Winchester or Federal Premium] center fire, rimfire/ shotshell, and please don't be biased. Thanks Guys, all opinions welcome
  3. Sorry I posted this in the wrong shot, please look in ammo Thank you
  4. Hi all, I'm new to hunting and shooting and since I'm new, I will be chalked full of questions, Anyway, what's your opinions on the two brands [Winchester or Federal Premium] center fire, rimfire/ shotshell, and please don't biased. Thanks Guys, all opinions welcome
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