To all who were at the show. What a day! Again no Silverware but nevermind. To Lyn and Baff.......thank you. What a great show had a fantastic day, and what a great atmosphere.
I take it we'll be doing it again next year??........yes!!!!
One last thing.....Thank God for Beer!!!!
I went to the Longitch show last year and had a great time. The atmosphere was excellent and the folk that run it know their stuff. The trophies are cracking, although I didn't win anything!
Well I will defo be there again this year, maybe this time I'll walk away with some silverware! If not I'll just drown my sorrows at the bar.
31st Aug 09 is in the diary!
That which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts..grown weak by time and fate, but not in will. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.