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About Trigger

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. well done lads . productive outing bet you could have done without the digging.
  2. I think the dog on the left is saying "What the fcuk is that big thing"The dog on the right is saying" dont worry its frozen,just try and look hard, our pups are going on EPUPZ next week at 300 a pop' the fact that no one believes what those dogs have done proves to me that they are much better than i thought they were,i could prove you wrong, but your like the rest on here to busy licking each others ass holes i think your full of shit flint and trigger,and because i was willing to prove you both wrong you called me a bullshitter and a dog thief all to get out of showing me y
  3. this one was a big ferker as was the next now the point i was making earlier,the next photo is of a domestic billy,if the dog was allowed to chase and capture ferrals would you expect him to distinguish between the two,and the landowner would make short work of any trust gained and run ye off the land. what cross is the dog in the pics
  4. i was just wondering if anyone has ever used cortaflex for there dog joints when they have started to age. i know the horse and human form is excellent. i was just wondering if the effects were as good on the dogs as it is on the horses. also how bad was your dog before you started to use cortaflex.
  5. ive got a 14amp hour lithium battery its great to carry about, but the conection into the battery plays up. i have to f**k about with it to get the lamp to work a fare few times in a night, dont know if anyone has the asame problem or if its just my battery is it the cig connection if so put some tape round it before you go out. cheers mate i will try it as soon as the fog lifts and i can get out. i havent had the battery long, the money i paid for it i didnt expect to have any problems.
  6. ive got a 14amp hour lithium battery its great to carry about, but the conection into the battery plays up. i have to f**k about with it to get the lamp to work a fare few times in a night, dont know if anyone has the asame problem or if its just my battery
  7. how old are you leec, honest answer.
  8. what exactly do you mean by lack major abillity in the running department. in what way? obviously anything with half greyhound in its make up will have a turn of speed but i found them to have far to much bone for any kind of overall speed and then theres agillity,they had none, they had the turning circle of a boat. how much game do you kill out in the open before it hits fence or woods, are you sure you are talking about a malamute X, it sounds like the bull X to me. i will have to take your word for it. you call bullcrosses but wont run one, call me as soon as you and yo
  9. they can make great little ferreting dogs
  10. i always feed as much as they can eat of both meat and dry food as long as i feel they are still growing well. eukanuba rabbit and venision. combined with plenty of excercise.
  11. what exactly do you mean by lack major abillity in the running department. in what way? obviously anything with half greyhound in its make up will have a turn of speed but i found them to have far to much bone for any kind of overall speed and then theres agillity,they had none, they had the turning circle of a boat. how much game do you kill out in the open before it hits fence or woods, are you sure you are talking about a malamute X, it sounds like the bull X to me. i will have to take your word for it.
  12. what exactly do you mean by lack major abillity in the running department. in what way? obviously anything with half greyhound in its make up will have a turn of speed but i found them to have far to much bone for any kind of overall speed and then theres agillity,they had none, they had the turning circle of a boat. how much game do you kill out in the open before it hits fence or woods, a battle ship, put up a good show against a hedgehog the other night,but in the end the hedgehog beat him on points did he feel a a bit of a prick?
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