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Everything posted by Twitch738

  1. would you hang pigeon with the guts inside or take them out first?
  2. If you need leather,i would go to a charity shop,they allways have old leather jackets,shoes and hand bags which are leather,plus they normally at a reasnable price for what you want it for.
  3. You're only in Nottingham, I'm just outside Rugby... you're welcome to come and have a go with my BSA Ultra Multishot .22.... but it's not for sale! Thanks mate when i get the time i will have to pm you if thats ok.
  4. I got to admit cost isnt that much an issue,as i would be paying monthly/weekly,which tbh shouldnt take that long,and i all ready have my 2 springers hatsan mod 60 .22 and norica dragon .177,but i would love an pcp as there so whisper quiet and no recoil,so i wouldnt mind getting one second(if any has one for sale).
  5. Hi, I've been looking at some really nice pcp's e.g. bsa r10,hw100 and air arms s410 and they are all beaut's,but there all a little bit pricey,so could anyone give me any advice on other pcp's or even the ones i said,as if i did decide to get,say a hw100,i would probally be getting on credit and pay monthly,but to be honist,i would rather pay cash up front than credit lol so if anyone has advice on a pcp and the price they cost that would very much appreciated. Thanks Twitch738
  6. Thanks for that hughes,but to be honist the ultra,for some reason i just dont like the look of it,i no its not about the looks but i dont think i would feel right as the barral is to short for my likeing(more like a carbine) and the air arms s410 looks a beaut,but i still cant decide so i think i will wait for abit.
  7. Hi,ive been looking to buy a new air rifle and ive narrowed it down to the hw100 or the r10,but i really cant decide,ive never shot any of them,so i dont no what to expect for my money,can anyone give me any advice on them both,like what cal to go for,which one is more accurate and is it worth spending that little extra for the hw100 or not. Thanks Twitch738
  8. i would love to have the ferret finder and collors mate and how much delivery cost roughly mate thanks.
  9. Can anyone give me any advice on finders/locaters,like the price and is it worth getting a second hand one(if so has anyone got any for sale?) and the main question i wanted to ask is,do you really need a ferret finder/locater or can you just go ferreting without them? Thanks Twitch
  10. Hi im looking to get a ferret and i would like as much advice as possible befor i get one,e.g what food do they eat.how big does the hutch have to be.can i take it rabbiting straight away or do i need a locater. As you can see im a novice at ferreting,ive never been before and im looking for as much info on them as possible before i actually go out and buy one. Thanks Twitch
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