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Everything posted by Lola

  1. Hi thanks, he is rescue I'm afraid so I have no idea. He was found on the streets:( I'd love to know though, might explain some of his quirkiness :)

    My guess would be maybe deerhound in the mix, maybe wheaton?

  2. It's only a suggestion. No offence meant. It's what mine did the other day.
  3. Had any travellers around? I caught mine eating 'p***y-poo' the other day from behind a tree next to a caravan lot! Filthy buggers
  4. Ooooh I so wanna go for a walk there! Looks fab, as does your dog
  5. Oh bless! That's a lot of metal work. Here's to a full recovery
  6. Sorry It would put me off eating it thats for sure.
  7. Are we still talking about birds??
  8. He is sooooo gorgeous! Good luck for tomorrow, atb
  9. sat afternoons or sunday mornings are good when thrs a football match on .. He has no worries about people then, he'd just go after the ball . There are so many populated places to go I just need to choose the smaller ones and build my way up. Nice to know your still with us stig - after the sad news thread. Poor fella
  10. This is what the saying 'It's a dogs life@ is all about, cracking looking dog, having the best time. If only all dog owners were like this
  11. pink floyd twice springsteen ted nugent oasis bon jovi ect ect cant stand speed garage and all that boom boom s--t me either, if it hasn't got a good guitar/drum solo it's pants! Grey ones at that
  12. Cheers peeps, I have no qualms about giving him a short sharp shock! He was actually wearing an e-collar at the time but it was only set to vibrate and that didn't work. I didn't want to re program it cause wasn't sure what intensity the shock was set to. I throw like the girl I am so a catapult would probably be just as bad I have been showing more dominance towards him but I'm not consistent enough, have to keep reminding myself to do it. I will not show nerves when it comes to taking it off him but subconciously I might give off some wrong signal. It won't stop me but I'd prefer it if
  13. Rock all the way! Been to see.... Metallica Foo Fighters Arctic Monkeys Ocean Colour Scene (amazing live) Ian Brown (shite) Motorhead....years ago lol and....more years ago...WASP. Blackie for president
  14. I have shown a few nervous dogs, not saying it's the right way or the only way or anything but this works for me. Lots of general socialisation, always have a pocketful of treats and anyone who wants to say hello to the dog comes armed with a treat, I always encourage people to come straight in and not hesitate. Any backing off by the dog gets a light check with the lead, standing still gets no praise just be calm. Once the person has finished fussing then just a quiet praise word and move on. Get some friends the dog does not really know to practice approaching and touching the dog like a jud
  15. It does sound like some kind of fuel starvation but that's all I've got for ya, sorry. See how you go after the air filter. Have to tried googling it?, you'd be surprised what it could turn up.
  16. Lola

    almost got mugged

    Yikes! Bet you shat urself! If I handed over my purse they'd probably put a few quid IN it for me! They'd be very disappointed. Glad to hear you out smarted them, good on ya. Who'd have thought it, a (not white) guy, a criminal??
  17. When I stand and chat to people he is fine, as long as they don't try to stroke him. Infact, this is the best way for him to get to know people. That, or on a walk off lead. Quite often he will approach strangers with interest but if the do talk to him or give him eye contact he backs off. He's not TERRIFIED but very wary. Do you think I should force him to be touched by strangers? Just act calm as if nothing is happening? He was like it with me early on when I was visiting him at the dogs home but believe me, when he gets to know you he is not wary at all! You know when he's comfortable with
  18. Yes we have actually. I'll talk to them and see how we go. I learned the hard way about pandering to the fear. My old girl Elsa (RIP) was scared of fireworks and I did the old hugging her thing and so on. She was nervous with thunder and even aeroplanes if she heard one around the time of the fireworks. I'd love to have her back as a pup and do everything right, if only eh?
  19. Keep takeing your dog too places where their will be lots of people, and dont make a fuss when he reacts negativley, just ignor him, and remember that if you feel tense and aprihensive it will travel down the lead... My pup was a bit nervy around people, but i`me one of those people that like to root around car boot sales on a weekend and i drag the pup with me, does em a world of good getting fussed by kids and grannys going Arrrrgggghhhh int eeee luverly,,LOL,LOL, Good luck Mars... Cheers Mars, I have been ignoring the behaviour and he has come on leaps and bounds. There is a h
  20. Casper caught a rabbit tonight just on our evening walk. It was my GSD who sent it out the bushes and was hot on it's fluffy tail but then as it was faced with either the shep or the lurcher it leapt into the air and Casper had it. Great, or so I thought. Tried to get it off him but he avoided me. Decided I would let him 'own' it for a while and get it off him near the end. He tossed it around and ragged it and so on but wasn't giving it up. I enticed him over a few times, gave him some liver which he took then quickly picked his prize up and ran off. Eventually, after dragging a log on the
  21. Looks like a good time was had by all, cute baby Looks a lovely place to walk too! Nice pics
  22. I'm with you on this, not my cup of tea either but the owners are to blame. They think because their dog is small it doesn't matter if they're snappy. If my GSD did what that dog does there would be uproar but an 'ickle iddy biddy pocket pooch is not doing any harm (in the eyes behind the rose tinted glasses the owners wear). I bet she even believes it only wants to play...... how many times have we all heard that?
  23. That is so sweet, what a picture! Lucky dogs. My old dog (mongrel RIP) would sit facing the fire and adjust to the heat, when she got used to it she would shuffle her front feet then the rest of her body a bit more forward and so on. Eventually you would get a singed smell and she's lie down.
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