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Everything posted by adamb20

  1. thats what my girlfriend said n ah wudnt listen to her, said [bANNED TEXT] do u know ha ha ha. more than me by the sounds of it.
  2. like next doors cat allways sits on the path outside and when i walk her past it goes for her n she runs away, then she l go bak as if she is curious or wants to play and then it will go for her and she will run again
  3. my 14 month old beddy whippet collie grey is scared of cats, so does this mean she will be scared of bigger quarry (f)?
  4. just ad her out tonight with the lamp. got 21 rabbits, ah wud say half of them had mixy but only 2 or 3 bad, the others were just starting to get it n cud stil run fast. so am plesed nw lol.
  5. im from crook, near durham. i think i know [bANNED TEXT] u mean nw like. it just av been listening to ppl who dnt av a clue them selvs. oh n [bANNED TEXT] ppl mean by 'get its legs'?
  6. [bANNED TEXT] sort of slips shud a yung dog be getting then? in a big space??
  7. ok cheers, jus new to this, dnt really know the crack...thanks for ur replies.
  8. ive got a beddy whippet x collie grey, 13 n half month old. ive been giving her a few runs with the lamp these last few weeks and she seems to be fast in a straight line but once the rabbit turns its a mile ahead of her straight away. she can get them if they in a big field but smaller places she doesnt seem to b able to. will she get much better as she gets older or should she be performing better than this at this age?? Edited Title:No text talk please
  9. course it would pal , exactly the same breeding in my lurcher got n e pics
  10. [bANNED TEXT] age is good to introuduce to f?
  11. ai she does look a bit slow but u wud be surprised when you see her running. but maybee ur right am jus new to this lol.
  12. ai av sed sory mate ah got the rong end of the stick
  13. oh [bANNED TEXT] sorry, got the rong end of the stick i thort u were on bout the dog lol. had a hard day lol. i ment do u think it would have been b 4 the ban.
  14. bout 22n half tts. [bANNED TEXT] n who the fuk u talking to u bell end ard rather shoot u ye ugly b*****d.
  15. this is my 13 month old beddy whippet/ collie grey just wunderd [bANNED TEXT] ppl thort. will she be ok for hare and fox etc etc. cheers.
  16. Wey just sumet round about (over) i just meam nt a pupy as i am at wrk al day n nt fair 2 leave it alone al day.
  17. Does n e 1 know where i cn get a 12 month collie x whippet or somthing similar, cheers
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