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Everything posted by adamb20

  1. I've got a beddy whipp c collie grey bitch, 22 tts. Not the best for out and out day time rabbit coursing in small fields, but v good lamper, moocher and busher, and will have a go at any thing.
  2. [bANNED TEXT] a load of shit that is. doesnt bother me any way as long as you careful just means more for the peple who say f the ban.
  3. 4 months smashing rabbits and marking setts how old is this pup now like and where can i get one not that hard to believe, my pup caught her first rabbit at four month, when my older dog pushed it out the push towards her. shes now 8 month and has caught about four when out mooching during the day.
  4. doesnt matter n e way cz they can throw way ever. my pup is 5/8 3/8 grey collie but just like a grey hound with more brain and big collie ears lol. pic at 6 n half month.
  5. If thats your primary concern, I doubt the pups will be for you. Hope you get decent working homes for them all. FTB Well you need to know the price for fucksake Yea! Thats always the first thing that comes into my head when looking for a dog...how much will it cost me FTB fukin hell mate hes only asking how much they are.
  6. so you think i should make most of her diet raw then with a bit redmills or just cut redmills alltogether?
  7. been feeding my pup nearly 8 month pup remills mixed with tripe. she been doing really well and putting about 2 lb on every week/two weeks. now i havev run out of tripe aND she wont eat the biscuits on their own and is loosing weight. should i not give in and will she start eating or should i get more tripe as i dont want her growth to be stunted, she a little shit, cheers.
  8. should be fast enough especialy on the lamp. ive got a first cross beddy whippet x first cross collie grey. she only 22 tts and doesnt look that racey yet has caught every thing on the lamp and lots of the big ears and in big fields in her first propper season last year. its obviously not a coursing dog but should do well for ye.
  9. they in crook co. durham
  10. I. Named my pup slye, it my favourite girls name and i dont want kids so the pup got it lol
  11. not leave hedge rabbits, my fault really for giving her stupid slips when she was young but that what i would change.
  12. no way mate, gutted for ye, really liked the luck of that bitch
  13. If you can get her to north east she will have a home for life.
  14. thats size im wanting mine to make. ok mate cheers.
  15. very similar to my pup that, 3/8 collie grey. what height is that? my bitch is 23.5 at nearly 7 month and 52 lb.
  16. best mixed bag with two dogs - about 10 rabbits, five hares and a roe, best night so far with my bitch single - 20 odd rabbits and two hares (lamp).
  17. yeah but this is abouts first crosses and thats not a first cross.
  18. This dog is the double of mine and I live not too far away from you. Am I right in thinking it is around 8 months old? what height is that dog mate?
  19. Crook, co.durham, nrth east

  20. See when I read the first 4 words of this post, I thought to myself............ ohhh ohhh... Your right with the 7 months 3/4 me thinks. but when it comes round to the first birthday its gone by calender, just like us. :wacko: See if I pm you my address mate, could you send me a sample of that shit your smoking mate... :drag: i would but av smoked it all now, cant you tell :sick:
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