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Everything posted by burrowman

  1. I have used 15mm high tensile steel for years now without bending it. The wider the diameter you use the harder it is to push down to find burrows. I have found around 3 foot is plenty long unless your dog is aground in a swamp or you brought a sledgehammer with you to beat down 4 foot, at over 3 foot normal soil has such a grip on the bar you wont know whether you hit a burrow or not. EDZY is right never put a point on your bar. With practise you will learn to feel the quarry in the burrow with your bar, rock it back and forth and sideways as you near breakthrough then gently lower it
  2. Hello fellow diggin men, I hunt with 3 border terriers and a lurcher all running loose.The land i hunt is mixed arable and grassland only cover is ditches/hedgerows,any fox i dig is average 3or4 foot deep. My hunting style is i like things quiet as possible i like to let my dogs use their noses and knowledge without me interfering. When we walk the fields my dogs range from 2 to 20 yards from me any further i call them up. Most of the time the lurcher [whippet/bedlington/greyhound] is the first to scent game almost telling the terriers where the game is and t
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