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Everything posted by tommydeer

  1. Hand on heart (excuse the pun) but i honestly believe that the diagram you've put up has the heart too far forward. and if you need an aid in order to know where you should be putting the bullet..i'll maybe stick to my own theorys.
  2. Before DMQ was invented, before there was a "best practice", before there was a diagram on a website...what did you do!? Some of the things being said just dont make sense. From my point of view...if your lining up a shot to pin the animal you need to be accurate, so why not go for a neck shot of some sort(low/high) you'll still drop it on the spot if thats your whole intention. And for all your moans...if your good enough, there is nothing wrong with a proper decent heart/lung shot....the shot we've all probably been taught from day 1. Especially you John, you rave about your dog..
  3. Well Tommy d. I'm man enough to agree with you and well done on your honesty. Just 1 thing if not in a park again honestly how many of those 15 would be lost? regards john. 5 easily. 3 things though John. 1.) We're in a park, i know there not going anywhere. 2.) We head shoot because of venison sales to 6 consistent top local butchers and restaurants 3.) There are no wild pere david!
  4. In all honesty when i sit back and read threads that have been started i wonder why? Is it for everyones interest, is it to share experiences or is it to big yourself up!? Since ive been on here you can tell the different types, all i'll say is be carful what you start, and if you do start it...prepare to live with the consequences! Regards head/neck/chest shooting. Each to their own...as long as your capable, and only you yourself will know that. I shoot maybe 400 animals each year in my current job, all head shot. Before you ask and critisise, yes it goes wrong, out of 400 i'll a
  5. Im with foxdropper. Every person should have the same respect for their quarry regardless. I line up on a deer with the exact same mentality i would with a fox. No if, but or maybe!
  6. Could see how this thread was going to pan out the moment you started it John, i know you didnt want it to diverse from your original question but it was always going to happen, its always been a sore subject. One thing i want to touch on is experience, i always turn a blind eye to "ive been doing it for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years". So what....how do you know you've been doing it right all along, who's to say your right. I find some people think they should get instant respect for being a stalker for 40 years, no...you earn it. As for DSC 1 & 2, my views have always been the same
  7. I have to admit to being 100% behind what foxdropper has said. Working within the deer industry means i have seen, met and witnessed many people with their paperwork on outings and in the larder.
  8. I think you may have just opened up a can of worms John. I have 1 which was compulsory as part of a course. I dont have 2. I think it makes sense for a lot of the recreational guys and people who lease land via F.C.
  9. You could...but judging by the photo the tips havnt come hard enough yet, therefore it'll just become brittle and slowly fall away an inch
  10. Cant help but think you would have been more chuffed if it was out of velvet
  11. Unless park shooting which is then a yes yes
  12. Havnt posted for a while so though id put a few photos up to keep you all interested! Roe bucks are in soon,cant wait! Trip to Fife to look forward to mid April!! Culling for us is over now so a chance to sit back and hopefully watch the grass grow,does/hinds calve and antlers grow!...plus the odd trip for a roe buck
  13. Something id love you to repeat this year Mark! Hows it looking on your ground? All the best Tom
  14. Its only expensive if you cant afford it.....i think what we charge is reasonable personally for cwd stalking, there arent too many places that offer it. So bear in mind its not readily available like some of the other species.
  15. Its off at the taxidermist now Martin and so when its back i'll put a photo up, i dare not put the ones up that ive got as the person that shot it is quite a private chap! He may have some of just the deer though so i'll see what i can do
  16. Thanks for your comments guys, ive got lots more i could put up but its finding the "right" ones to put up, we've had some cracking muntjac the last couple of years. Only the other week a friend shot what i believe will be the new no.1, A much thicker antlered buck than the one which was at the CLA. I roughly scored it and id be confident to say it'll be the first to go over cic. I must admit to liking the cwd photo a lot too, poor chap couldnt move off fast enough in the snow which gave me a little time.
  17. Just browsed through a few photos on the computer and thought id upload a couple for interest more than anything, cwd was back in the rough weather last year and the muntjac was taken about 6 months ago, should go top 5 after roughly measured!
  18. Couldnt have been written better. Different circumstances throw up different situations, If you followed "guidlines" your whole life in the stalking world you'd be a fool, you HAVE to be flexible. Just because someone is an AW, makes them no different to anyone else taking a young lad out to learn, the only difference is there is some paperwork involved. We take out plenty of people each year, hopefully they learn a little from us, like they will with the next chap that takes them out. No single person is completely correct, i think plenty will agree, you take and learn a little from where
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