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Everything posted by allrounder

  1. any pics of the park terrier ? no but il get some up soon im taking him digging next week so il get some up
  2. ive just got a lakeland dog hes a year old and got aboandoned a few month ago a lad i no took him in but his other dogs wouldnt take to him and kept fighting so i said id give him a working home, the lad told he hes from (parks) lines and wondered if anyone has heard or knows anything about these lines thanks allrounder
  3. why not put collers on them, nice couler though lol
  4. from back legs to front then hold back legs and chest and a sharp downward movement caterpults guts onto floor
  5. ive had a few like it they all seemed to be riddled with fleas aswell
  6. it doesnt matter about the size of the head its the size of the heart sepose your right there mate
  7. [bANNED TEXT] im just writing up because i wanted to find out about small headed jack russels. can they still do the job on foxes because i have a little white ruff hared bitch and she only has a little head on her, can that be a downfall to doing foxes thankyou lads allrounder
  8. alright stubby i have onley tried it in the house will it be different in the field thanks lurcher try it outside mate the lights n telly n things like that can interfear with the reading
  9. alright stubby i have onley tried it in the house will it be different in the field thanks lurcher try it outside mate the lights n telly n things like that can interfear with the reading
  10. i got one exactly the same last week half white with bright blue eyes
  11. my permisions in thirsk mategoin up today for a good look around with terrier il let yas no how i gt on thanks for replies
  12. just got some new permission about half a hour away from were i live plenty of rabbits been ther a few times now for a good mooch and noticed loads of fox droppins n seen plenty on the lamp but carnt find any earths anywere any ideas on were i shud be looking thank
  13. whats the difference between gary glitter and a greyhound .............a greyhound waits for the hare
  14. cheers mate my dads going to casarole it in the morning
  15. ive been given the strip of meet from the back of the deer n was woundering if anyone could give me any tips of how to cook it, ive cut it into small square chunks n was hoping id be able to fry it but how long should i fry it cheers allrounder
  16. were is he now i havent seen him sice the final
  17. winds dropped off wer i am so change of plan probs go tomorow now
  18. i have 2 strips of them sticky fly paper things on each side of the cage (outside) ther about 2 foot long and they catch hundreds of flies they honestly work well
  19. i keep my gun it its case in my house mate il let yas no how i get on
  20. ok thanks mate ill do that, how can i get rig of tje rust n get it looking mint agen? would i have to get it sprayed or something thnks allrounder
  21. are you sure shes not blind mate or got damaged sight
  22. hi everyone i bought myself an airarms tx200 last week 2nd hand mint condition not a scratch on it i took it out a few times and dicided to give it a clean with some soapy wipes wich are supose to be for cleaning matal n stuff now my guns started getting little specles of rust on it is ther any way off getting rid of the rust thanks allrounder
  23. whats better the bsa lightning or the ultra and have you got any pics mate
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