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Everything posted by allrounder

  1. found a lovely set 3 holes and terrier keen to enter,netted the holes an enterd dog after about 5mins he was baying at his quarry.he settled down after about 20 mins at 7ft so we started our nightmare of a dig,the 1st 3ft was just big stones and brick, we got to 4ft and it give him the runaround for 5 mins then settled back in the same place as last time, so we carried on digging then after a good 3 1/2 hours mr fox bolted and go out the net and avaided the lurcher so hope we have better luck next time was pleased with terrier only his second time to ground
  2. shud get a dig tommorrow the place is riddled, should get some good pics ,il have them up as soon as i get in mate
  3. ive recently got a young dog of these lines, somehow the dog fell into the wrong hands and i ended up homing the dog. hes about a 15months and hadnt been worked till a week ago and showed great promise and very keen, im going on some permission tomorrow with him to do some digging so il take plenty of pics and put them up
  4. mrk1 collers and box gone, just the terrier coller and mrk3 locator
  5. is the mk1 box 8ft or 15 ft mate 15ft mate
  6. has anyone got any foxnets they would maybe swap
  7. £85 mrk3 locator used only 4 times £45 mrk1 locator sticker on roller has worn abit £30 mrk1 15ft ferret coller £25 mrk1 15ft ferret coller needs a new strap £35 mrk1 8ft terrier coller never been used or would sell lot for £200 can only meet to sell cheers allrounder
  8. im more towords wilton redcar mate and ive got my permision near cattrick, bit of a treck but well worth it, theres plenty around i only asked the farmer for ferreting permision and he asked me if im any good at catching foxes cos ther broke into the chicken pens we were well chuffed gunna wait afew weeks and give them another go , maybe nock on afew more farms aswell ;)and yes that is the dog that got abandoned, hes seen two last week that the lurchers got last week so i think thats brought him on abit just having a rag on the carcasses
  9. im more towords wilton redcar mate and ive got my permision near cattrick, bit of a treck but well worth it, theres plenty around i only asked the farmer for ferreting permision and he asked me if im any good at catching foxes cos ther broke into the chicken pens we were well chuffed gunna wait afew weeks and give them another go , maybe nock on afew more farms aswell
  10. some new permission we got other week , had a ride up first thing, my mates black patterdale bolted two out ot a 4 holer them we found an opend up rabbit hole tried my dog in after about 30mins or so he bolted him, lurcher had a run but he was up through wood, good bit of sport anyways
  11. dont no ther names but the lad who seemed to no all about his breeding was called jamie
  12. the lad i got him off new the people who had him and the people who f****d him off they were his mams next door naighbours , im not saying it is for defernet but the who i got him off said he was and would probs of let it roam the streets till dog wardens got him, he could of easily turned a blind eye im not trying to big this dog up bye telling people lies im just saying what ive been told ide never heard of that breeding as im new to terriers its not asif he'd lie about its lines just so id buy it because he give me the dog free of charge anyway coz he new i would get it the work and was
  13. my 1/4 bull 2yr old retrieving shot fox
  14. here he is next to this fox we erm shot the other day first one hes seen, first day we had him out
  15. the lad who i got him off is a good mate of mine and is a very genuin lad, ive got a salukixgrey whos getting on abit and a 1/4 bullgrey who ive been taking digging with my mate who has terriers and enjoys his digging so im fairly new to terriers as ive always had lurchers, i no nothing about the people who abandened him or why they did it, i dont think they were interested in working him tho,the lad who took him in new the dog and the dogs past and as i said before he doesent bother much with digging anymore but took the dog in for a few weeks but it wouldnt live with his other dogs (kept scr
  16. i think hes been kept as a pet and his owners split up n moved out , they lived next door to a bloke i no and he use to be well into his diggin n he took it in and thats who i got it orr n all he said is that its from very good lines (parkes) hes a big dog like ill take some pics tomorrow and put them up
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