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Everything posted by allrounder

  1. ok well next time il tell him to hold her by her back legs then and not saying terriers best in world just that she doese her job,i think the young lad didnt want his face in the pic thats why hes holding her away from him,not worth ruin a decent thread over really
  2. i try to as much as possible but ive ran out of things to tellthe girlfreinds mother when i bring him back she has him you see but hes always out with us and keen to be in we had him in at 8ft few weeks back broke through to find quary brown bread and him just laid next to it lol he been in about 6 hours aswell as we couldnt start digging till it got dark
  3. is just a good little patch we hunt and normaly get afew good days hunting on,these foxes wouldnt no what a pheasent looked like if you shot 1 at it they get all ther food from kfc and mc donnalds 2mins down road,we let it go becouse weve been doin well this year and we had the lurcher with us a new shed draw and kill it so had nothing to prove to ourselves so atleast we got afew more digs for next season to be honest i dont thinks theres anything wrong with that and as for the terrier she does take abit of punishment at times but is available most of the time mate
  4. dont have to kill them all mate,nothing rong with letting a few run for another day.do you catch and kill EVERYTHING you run like? just happy getting out and working the terriers Good reply. Even though its only legal to dig foxes as a form of pest controll on private estates, dont think the keeper would be happy if i said to him ow il let that one go for next year hed tell me to fuk off and get some other c**t in. not an a keepered astete mate.....just some rough groung along side a powerplant
  5. thanks for replys lads we should be encoureging younglads and them getting out and getting ther dogs work rather than stood on the streets drinking and theivin like most,keep up the good work terrierlad
  6. good pic mate what will you be using them for and you got any pics af parents?
  7. argggghhh another good post ruined!!!!! think im guna stop putting pics on its becoming a joke

  8. shes a working terrier mate she always getting cuts off brammbles and stuff and running over harsh ground ther a tough breed......dont think its gunna bother her to much holding her by scruff for a quick pic mate do you,cumon mate get a grip
  9. thats was from a while ago that pic just thort ide put it on to try and show how small the little bitch is, dontthink hes harming dog to much is he mate? only young lad getting his pic taken with his dog, think ur being abit piccy with that comment I would disagree. what have you got a problem with pickin a dog up by the scruff? if so thats how we life her from earths ect shes always been fine with it its not like theres any weight to her......sorry mate it wont happen again
  10. thats was from a while ago that pic just thort ide put it on to try and show how small the little bitch is, dontthink hes harming dog to much is he mate? only young lad getting his pic taken with his dog, think ur being abit piccy with that comment
  11. il have to get back to you on that mate shes a miniture russle no working parents but does terrierlad proud week in week out
  12. dont have to kill them all mate,nothing rong with letting a few run for another day.do you catch and kill EVERYTHING you run like? just happy getting out and working the terriers
  13. went to check a local earth before heading further afield,its only a little 2 holer on a bank but has looked promising for a while now so we got ther and straight away terrier wanted to be in so collered her up a dropped her in exspecting a nice quick bold but within 10mins she had it bottled up tight, didnt need locater as we could her bitch thruogh mud so nice little 10 inch dig with vixen sight tigh let her run for another day tho as we have killed afew on this patch lately thanks for reading allrounder(erm preban ovcourse) terrierlad with his bitch who weve had 90percent of our digs wit
  14. off out lamping tonight with stitch and his beddywhippet

  15. thanks for replys lads,you struggle all holidays to find them in and wene your just after a peaceful mooch it seems you get the best result
  16. the backfilll kept it tidy for nextime
  17. terrierlad and his small bitch millie
  18. had a walk out on some permission that i hadnt been on in a while just with the lurchers, seen a big dog fox comeing out of some marshland and it ended up dropping into a little rabbit earth about 100yrd from a newly built pheasant pen,so rang terrierlad off here who came up within 30mins to drop his little white russle who found its quarry and settled and had a nice little dig ending in a good healthy dog fox with a full belly wich was dispatched legaly cheers allrounder
  19. well pleased with the solo effort of me bitch as she hunted mr charlie out of a huge overgrown swamp then killed him ........great day

  20. bit rough today.....have a nice walk out me thinks :)

  21. is loving the snow.....out 1st thing in morning to check some earths

  22. finally!!!!! starting to get some success with the terriers...another good day

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