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Everything posted by allrounder

  1. come on shitter hurry up and catch one hows longs it gunna take :11: :whistle:
  2. why do most of you prefere blue filters why are they better than any other
  3. its got a tyre mark on it :11: oj mate well done
  4. is that pup from zeuses litter :thumbs-up:
  5. try breast feeding it mate i promise you it all bring the best out of ur dog
  6. 72lb :whistle: think some one is filling your head aload of shit
  7. theres a few mackeral getting cought off the pier but if you go up river abit its full of small codling,coalies and flatties
  8. ive fishes the swale and got a 7lb barbel and a few chub lovely scenary tho
  9. fecking wa*kers does he reconise any of them or is anything happening about it
  10. shes a cracker mate which one have you kept back for me
  11. cheers zeus appreciate that
  12. have you sold any more of the bitches mate
  13. just let his dad and uncle sort them out they might even still have the air rifle in ther house wene they go round an they will shit themselves and ur dad might get it back ,then they can kick the shit outa them, [bANNED TEXT] i was 15 got got my font tooh nocked out by a lass who was drugged up and i reported it and they wernt intrested hope you and your dog are ok mate
  14. [bANNED TEXT] mate is it posible if you put up a pic of the 5 bitches that are left
  15. cheers andy,did you do foxes with the parents zeus? i take it with the 1/4 bull ther shouldnt be a problem not that you need bull in a dog to kill foxes but the extra agression helps
  16. as soon as i got home with my new pup salukixgray i took her in my local pub to show her off but was hit with critasism ,people saying saluki grays a thick as fu*k ect but 3years down the line and my dog is 1twice as good as theres even brainiear as long as i treat her right and be pataint she is the most obedient dog iv come across but if i start shouting at her or give her a clip thats it shes a nightmare hasve any of you lads noticed this and do yas think saluki crosses are brain dead cheers lads allrounder
  17. welcome not being disrispectful but are you a lad or lass :11:
  18. one things for sure non of them are peeler wene crabs are peeling they dont feed and them bottam 2 are female shore crab cant really tell if the 2nd one is a velvet but if its back legs wer flat then it was if any of that helps
  19. did she go to ground like mate and did u take her lampin
  20. they take all game mate mostly bambi and hares the sire to the dogs is 27" and the bitch is 24 and a half inch why is that lacking an inch or 2 for hares sorry mate they look a bit short on them pics and my mate has a dog very simaler your bitch but just lacks that couple of inches my mistake :thumbs-up:
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