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About stankonia

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 25/10/1965

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  • Interests
    my little lad,steam trains, Shooting, camping in the lakes computers linux. CEH. sunbeam alpine s5.
  1. Ive got one of these. pics in past posts somewhere on this forum It's a Titan MPT carbine......Falcon took over Titan
  2. Looks well on your gun Stankonia, was there much hassle fitting it or did your gunshop fit it ? I hope to fit one to my Theoben M.F.R. but im a bit worried about fitting silencer to shrouded barrel. Can u tell me where to get these silencers ? http://www.awt-silencers.co.uk/ this be the website.they will advise on fit. tell them what you want it for,you wil not regret it. Cheers, burrowman
  3. Just got my new AWT silencer after the very slow process 6wks.Very impressive noise reduction abit pricy at 65squid but worth it.
  4. How do Davey,if you live eastlancs end of cheshire it will cost £30 just got mine done in Ashton near haydock. Ian
  5. I Had the same problem with a diana 52 with ox spring(loved it,i called it the canon) in the 90's i try'd dampning scope mounts they did'nt work the only thing that worked was a rimfire scope but even that developed a damaged crosshairs,................... get a gas ram or a pre charged.F**k it
  6. Abit radical but here go's................ USE YR ELBOW AND ARM
  7. Me seen the brown magpie man here it is now..............
  8. How do all, I'm abit confused, When i was 17 the cops took my air rifle off me for shooting in a built up area,Alot of people on this site shoot in their gardens do everybody have gardens in the countryside? or has the law changed? Thanks. Ian
  9. not sur wats happend to my original permissions form but could e-mail a complete word doc if ya like?
  10. 26th January 2008 (for illustration) RE: Pest/vermin control Dear Sir or Madam: First of all, I would like to take this chance to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I am writing to enquire whether there is any opportunity for pest control on your land free of charge. My name is XXXXX XXXXX; I am XX years old, married with two children and live in XXXXXXX, Kent. I have been shooting for XX years now and enjoy the hobby very much, along with the added bonus of helping the farmer/land owner by controlling pests such as rooks, crows, rabbits, rats and squirrels. With
  11. One more walking along a riverbank covered in wild garlic saw a rabbit up on the ridge about 30 yards shot..... dog set off got it it.... was a baby........ the slug just knocked the little one out cold..... nursed the little one for about 10mins it came round looked me in the eye and pegged it i thought it was'nt ment to be..... the bunny lived on .
  12. One of,a old buck rabbit i had been after for ages,it had scars on it's face and pellet hole through its ear a perfect testament to its evading skills.One day got close unough for a shot and it was servicing a doe i let it finish it's job then shot got it,with respect i thanked it for it's life and cooked it.it was the toughest rabbit i ever had...............it had the last laugh
  13. They a bob on for range finding. set yr dot at 25yrds in yr crosshairs..... then when you line a shot up check the range with the laser...move up or down to compensate...i got a green laser too bright for range finding but maybee good for blinding the feeckers
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