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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. I like the cake analogy! By this token,you obviously consider yourself the MASTER BAKER!! Almost glenn,almost.
  2. try telling her that! I used an apbt stud only because i couldnt locate a full bred working plummer here in ireland,her previous litter were by a plummer(ballina flynn) and i wanted to try something different.The half siblings were put over each other and i have 4 month pups that nobody could distinguish from a fullbred plummer and are showing all the right signs.I didnt just use any pitbull-searched long and hard ,maybe looked at 20 different studs until i found the one i wanted.Ive had no problems with dog aggression/kennel fights and have had more than 1 to ground at once. if you want t
  3. Top post on the collie cross thread mate!

  4. THE BEST POST I HAVE READ FOR A LONG TIME. GOOD ON YOU COOP! Im betting the dog will come right for you.
  5. ........An all too common type. They usually fail with most dogs and are called messers. The only difference between type 3 and type 2 is a shotgun.
  6. My sister was walking one of my spaniels a few years back-a bitch that was soft as shite and would piss her self if shouted at. (the spaniel,not my sister!) a guy stopped his car and offered my sister "a lift". The spaniel went apeshit,lunging at the car, seeing the twat off good style.I would never have believed it of her,but instinct must have taken over. I had a similar experience a few years later when my collie lurcher drove off a stallion intent on running me into the ground- definitely saved my arse.
  7. whin if thats aimed i'd be carefull all i speak is the truth i dont pretend to know it all and mals luckly is about the only dog i could call my self an expert on and just happens to be a mal topic you get so many people on this site comment on something they know fuxk all on or assume things which is wrong as you've should have noticed i havnt commented on much on this site because i feel i dont have enough experience in that feild. but whin your brain must almost be popping every topoic you can right an essay on so you must be one hell of a smart bloke fuxk knows where you've had all the tim
  8. Hells teeth-the Spanish inquisition would be proud!
  9. Very true. In these situations its more about the dog being in the right place at the right time.
  10. there wont be a turnaround on the ban-the majority of ALL parties oppose it. :realmad:
  11. ye you cant beat a good half cross i like your dog bird did you breed him yourself? A lad bred him ,not far from me staffs. the dam 26in 60lb 1000yds grey to a 21in farm collie.The greyhound been lamping, the border collie work cattle+sheep, both good dogs. Bryn had great season caught loads of rabbits . i would say he is my best lamping dog so far Bryn great rabbit dog One of the nicest collie lurchers i've seen. QUALITY.
  12. Like your profile comment."some proper knobs about aren't there?? aren't there just!?

    good posts.

  13. Nah you were trying to be smart, with this comment - What a stupid thing to say! Why even say it? Dont worry yourself about it. Just an opinion no more no less. Maybe touched a nerve? If so its your problem,not mine.I never insulted anyone,just made a general comment. If you have to resort to insults,thats your choice and your right,just as it is my right to voice my own OPINION or agree with another.I hope that clarifies things.
  14. Waidmann he's posted into the terrier section saying it was his Terrier's first cat, When it clearly wasn't! I've had my pups looking in a few digs now and they've had a rag on a few carcasses but it was hardly their first Fox! I missed the part where he said the pup was only 7 months old and have apologised for that, but don't go on like no one has got the right to post their opinion in when they don't agree with what's being said. If he or you can't handle people having different opinions then why join a forum to start with? What sort of ridiculous comment is that? I h
  15. I have watched this thread unfold as it degenerates into the predictable bitch fight. I personally have no opinion on the cross as i have no experience of it,nor do i know anyone involved. Neither do those who are criticizing most it seems. So may i point out some facts to put some perspective on the subject. Flint08 has never actually "bigged up" his dogs. Several people who have been out to see them have. No mention of pups for sale has ever been mentioned except by the critics. These dogs have not been offered at stud for money. OK carry on all-this subject causes more bitch fights
  16. Just like "a passion for angling". Nice one bird-good to see some PROPER TRAINED working lurchers.
  17. dont get too excited mate all these geriatrics casn do is dig up old posts and put em on this thread
  18. Theres a big difference between mob handed coursing and going about the job discreetly. The mobs who dont give a f**k and leave dead game lying about are NOT hunters and deserve all they get. It is a shame that these morons make the news and give the public the impression that these are typical lurchermen. Mob handed in a hot area in the middle of the day? Only thing missing is a neon ARREST ME sign.
  19. if only you knew how wrong you are .to tell you the truth i feel like paula radcliff at a charity fun run on this site . Dont stop for a piss in a shop doorway like she did!
  20. If it aint black,bull headed and covered in scars it aint a REET terrier,eh?
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