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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. Ferts tongue in cheek posts have been the best by a long mile Phil. (Jackfrost on there)
  2. Just bought some of the rat bullet boxes, same layout. I'm not convinced they will be as effective as one with a straight through line of sight.
  3. You can state that you are BPCA qualified but can't use the actual logo unless a member. Nor should you, or we could all use whatever logos' we like, which is false advertising at best or plain fraudulent.
  4. I remember a recent post where someone treated loads of rooms in a day with a fogger, one every few minutes. There is no way anyone can effectively treat BB in that space of time. There are no shortcuts with these insects....
  5. I think that was the shooting news offices Neil?
  6. Bird I think you may be confusing bedbugs with mites or lice. Bedbugs are a different ball game entirely. Dust mites live in the mattress and do not bite, they live on your dead skin. Lice can only live on the host and cleaning plus proprietary personal treatment will clear them up. Bedbugs are insidious little b*****ds that hide in beds, headboards, furniture and cracks and crevices throughout the room. Vacuuming will not get rid, we use a combination of super hot steam and residual insecticide. Phil- you've got the right idea!
  7. If only it was that easy! Treatment success depends on a few factors-how heavy the infestation,how long they've had it (a lot of clients are economical with the truth on this), how much furniture,pipe/cable ducting,how much the room is used etc etc...
  8. I googled them yesterday to find out about them after this thread. Amazon have them if they are the same thing.
  9. No offence shropshire, but you should be fully aware of insect biology and how the product you are using works before using it...
  10. More likely feeding on aphid secretions Bud. Willows particularly prone to it.
  11. Just a heads up for anyone using fuelcardservices- check your invoices against your pump receipts. I was told that I would save 4-5p per liter on pump prices (Texaco). What they didn't say was that includes motorway prices- turns out I've been paying 4-5p more than my pump receipts, plus charged to use it FFS. f***ing bandits.
  12. Apparently the theory is that 'sentry' wasps allow workers to re enter the nest and they wont unless the sentrys are there. They (sentry) are killed by nest treatment so workers dont go in, so start sweet feeding and become a nuisance. Workers certainly are hesitant and gather outside post treatment, but I also think they do eventually and are killed. I treated a nest in my garden in July and had no nuisance wasps at a barbecue the following day... On a similar note, I've heard a theory that wasps don't feed near their own nest as it can attract wasps from neighboring nests, which will ro
  13. Is anyone on the forum? It appears to have been hacked big time.
  14. My apologies, I have obviously misinterpreted your statement "personally I find ANY kind of trap inhumane apart from cage traps"... I totally agree, any killing should be done as fast and humanely as possible. ( I've had this 'discussion' with bullx boys who state that a dog is not a fox dog unless it mullers a fox to death). I say this as a lifelong Running dog/terrier enthusiast, regardless of the fact that the topic has indeed been done to death, but quarry is undoubtedly under a lot of stress when pursued or faced with a dog. You excuse this by stating that they get over it quickly. Yet
  15. Any trap? While I agree with the sentiment about humans to a degree, I would think there would be more stress on quarry run by dogs than a correctly set kill trap. The same applies to cage traps-an animal would be far more stressed stuck in a cage,even for a few minutes,than a kill trap. Pest control requires the use of various methods, none of which are kind to the quarry. I'm curious to hear how you would administer chemical euthanasia?? As a hunter, your statement is a little hypocritical.
  16. Squirrels are curious creatures, and curiosity didn't just kill the cat.....
  17. They aren't protected FD but most good pest controllers will move them before killing. If you can get at the nest move it at dusk/dark if you can as most bees will be in. They will happily carry on from the new location. Be careful if they're tree bees (white tail) they will sting more than most bumbles.
  18. Black rabbits usually crop up when numbers are high,as the genes that produce the colour are more likely to meet. The myxy virus also strikes when numbers are high,simple,no witchcraft involved...
  19. How much dust in it dido? When it's full you should get a good blast but as it empties less comes out. Give it a good shake before each pump up as well.
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