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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. If only you were closer....
  2. Rabbit fleas can't live on dogs they're host specific. Best to keep monthly doses of a decent spot on treatment like advocate. Any fleas the dog picks up will die when they bite.
  3. Good on ya Phil. He's a fine looking dog I'm sure you do right by him. If timing had been earlier....
  4. Swap for well bred bullzoi? Does everything 7 months old....
  5. Only VERY well bred ones. Burrell paid 2 grand for a stud off mine
  6. Never understood folks breeding lurchers or terriers for money. £3-400 is feck all compared to KC dogs like French bulldog and the like fetching upwards of £1800+ a pup. And let's be honest, probably going to better homes than your chop and change lurcherman who buys from the dealers. If I were to breed dogs for money I certainly wouldn't want some of the arseholes in the lurcher world at my place! ?
  7. Agree 100%. this girl never started a fight but would finish one double quick if provoked. Great with people.
  8. Come on Phil he knows why...the boy is an insufferable self absorbed bore. He's been told often enough yet repeats the same old.... The best dogs, land and experience in the world doesn't make a decent guy- a little humility goes a long way.
  9. I doubt anyone could put him straight... Lithium or similar maybe...
  10. He doesn't realise what a twat he is but he has a skin like a rhino I'll give him that.
  11. Feck me these pups have been back and forward like a yo yo.
  12. Well conditioned pair there. Spot on.
  13. Did you find out who it was Phil? Hopefully suitably punished ...
  14. All applications in best handwriting with references from 5 well known poachers. These will be EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BRED and guaranteed. I'm just waiting on him coming in season now.
  15. Serves him right for jogging. Why the feck run unless you're being chased?
  16. 9 months old done all species of teeth and hoofs he said. This is the one at last. 30 yrs of not very well bred dogs and I've finally found the one.
  17. Obvs not well bred enough, probably just a bred one. Guy assures me this one is well bred. In fact he said VERY well bred. Think I'm on a winner this time.
  18. I don't buy rubbish. I'll just flog it if it fails anyway. Plenty more well bred dogs out there.
  19. I failed the vetting process. I have found a bull x borzoi on pets 4 us.com though.?
  20. I think you'll find it's a bit tongue in cheek mate.
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