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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. A lot watching waiting for the dick pics. ?
  2. You did, my mistake. Strange, me making a mistake. I'm never wrong. A first for me. I can't apologize though, I don't do that.
  3. Thank you kind sir. I see it clearly now. Except for the fact that we didn't'take' Germany from the ' geries' ,(I'm assuming this is one street word for a native of said country). We stopped them from taking over the rest of Europe, including our green and pleasant land. We did give them a sound thrashing, but could not give them Germany because they still owned it! Thanks again for clarifying this strange dialect, you are a splendid bloke regardless of what everyone says.
  4. Uummm......nope not a feckin clue. Anyone?
  5. Now that is a superb animal. Hares a beaut too! ?
  6. I personally like the malinois but it would be too much dog and wasted on me these days, for the bit of mooching I do. Also, is it just me, or does anyone know wtf wild Bill hardy is talking about??
  7. Where's poxon anyway? Heard he was offski You'll all get worms from rimming btw.
  8. Blackneck I thought you were ok, if a little weird. But if you can't do justice to your chips why buy them? The maid tells me there are abandoned chips on the streets, particularly on Sunday mornings, some have even been eaten before apparently. It disappoints me to think of you as one of these ' messers' , I believe they're called, that buys chips on a whim only to abandon them on an equally frivolous whim.
  9. The wee Scot would get some mileage out of that eh? ?
  10. You forgot pics of folks dinner. Always a crowd pleaser. ?
  11. Tried that. No chance obviously a Les.
  12. No self respecting adult should eat sketty hoops. In fact I believe it is illegal and rightly so. If the butler brought those to my table he'd be in the fecking cellar tout de fecking suite.
  13. Low blow criticising a man's garden. The fecking brush on the other hand was a disgrace. Dogs are a nice distraction from the garden though.
  14. It was a joke btw. I wouldn't pts but a good shoe to the ribs would be in order.
  15. Unfortunately not. Imbecile dropped the breakfast toast and it landed caviar side down so had to let the incompetent c**t go.
  16. Good boy. Give him plenty of encouragement he'll go a long way. ?
  17. Well mine would have written off the land rover that f****d me whippet so I'm in. Money no object. (I'm very wealthy).
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