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Everything posted by stormyboy

  1. More random shit? That's enough of this for me, like I said, when you're all grown up and have reared and trained a decent dog yourself, you'll get some respect. You'll find out dogs mature at different rates and all sorts of things that come with experience, not when you're an immature gobshite who runs his mouth without thinking. Keep on point and slipping and may you one day reach maturity and grow up.?
  2. Yep, the dogs doing fine. Now you really do sound like whin. And I've reared, trained and entered pups into decent dogs too. Which is more than you have! You may well have caught some stuff with the b+ w dog but that just makes you a boy with a dog, a lucky find, not a dog man.
  3. Stop digging now. You're just saying random shit. ???
  4. It appears the answer to Joe's question is none. Is that correct Kieran?
  5. Asked 3 or 4 times and not answered. Like I said, you might do better with your 2nd. ?
  6. So that's a swerve then. Don't be embarrassed, if your first one failed you might do better with the second. ??
  7. You haven't said at all. Or does that mean just the black and white one? ? Come on son, you're giving it out, so how old and how many? And people telling you things so you'll just say it, regardless if true or not doesn't make you very smart! ? Gonna answer truthfully or swerve?
  8. Out of interest Kieran, how old was the dog that didn't make your standard? And how many dogs have you reared from a pup to become up to your standard?
  9. f**k me you sound more like whin every day ?
  10. Kieran, your "speaking the truth" is basically your opinion, not based on facts. It aint the truth folks can't handle as you put it, it's something you think without actually knowing. You've jumped to conclusions about a lot of people, stating it to be the truth, when in fact you don't actually know do you? Try thinking before posting and showing some maturity instead of mouthing off like a spoiled kid.
  11. Same shit happening on the moochers thread. Bill hardy, where have you got the experience of all these dogs? You said a while ago you've only bred one litter. Shaark, maybe wrong but I've got an idea who the return is.
  12. Doesn't take much at all to see through it. Luckily.
  13. Where's he going to get Smithfield blood from?? They're just scatter bred lurchers, no better or worse than others. Tumblers?? 300 yrs of breeding,800 yrs, if he's gonna bullshit at least be consistent FFS. His description of the different styles of lurchers and " tumblers" is straight out of a book, romantic nonsense. Probably bred some decent dogs but his sales bullshit is an insult to the intelligence imo.
  14. Just looked at it on my comp (Phone previously), the better pic shows the small tears clearly. The liner is fecked I would say. The edge of the hole isn't chewed, it's torn.
  15. Looks like the liner could be perished? A few tiny splits around the hole.
  16. You can reduce side glare on strikers etc by sticking a circle of old school blue windscreen tint in the centre of the glass. Same effect as the blue eye.?
  17. You do not. And you can't have a thesaurus, they were extinct millions of years ago FFS.
  18. I think that video of Dan surprised a few. Pups are looking well John good luck with them, I'm sure they'll do you well.
  19. Buck over a strong grew would breed some belters I reckon.
  20. I've heard you're a very gifted dog man blacky. Or was it dogger....
  21. That's only your opinion. I feel a witty comeback of at least 120 words would have been more appropriate. Come on now you can do better. How did you know I like the taste of glass anyway? You are indeed a sleuth of immeasurable talent FD.
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